823: May We Never Have To Say Goodbye

by -=/\=- Zanh Liis
Following The Last Straw
Soundtrack: May We Never Have To Say Goodbye by Shaun Davey

May you get all your wishes but one,
So you always have something to strive for.

~An Irish Toast


-=County Cork=-

(One more time...)

As soon as they had reached the car, it seemed that the threat of rain Keiran feared imminent began to blow over.

The wind sheared an opening in the clouds, and a hint of blue sky became visible.

Liis sat in the passenger seat, motionless, twisting the chain of her earring. Keiran reached across her, pulled on her seat belt and snapped it into place.

"Safety first, eh?" He whispered affectionately. He knew that as turbulent as the memories surrounding this place were for her that leaving Ireland with no clear idea of when they'd be coming back would still be difficult.

As with him no matter where she went now, a part of her would always remain here and that feeling was bittersweet, haunting, and more than just a little bit painful.

"Are ya ready to go back?" His hand moved to the key and held there; he was reluctant to turn the ignition. The sound of it clicking and the engine sparking to life would signify the beginning of an ending he wasn't sure he was ready for, himself.

She shifted to face him, her eyes filled to the point of spilling over with silent tears. "I am never going to be ready, Keiran."

He slid across the seat and put his arm around her. Gently, he brushed her tears away, and then leaned closer, kissing her tenderly. "One thing you need know about Ireland, Mrs. O'Sullivan," he rumbled, tucking her hair back behind her ear and stroking the chain of her earring. "No matter what happens in or outside of it, it'll always welcome ya home. Ireland is forever."

Tears fell again as she clasped her eyes shut, and kissed him back.

The heavens above continued to brighten and at last she glanced up, squinting still-sensitive eyes but unable to look away from the beauty of their surroundings. At last, she gave him an almost imperceptible tilt of the head.

"Right. Home then." Keiran moved back, clicked his seatbelt into place and started the car. His hand was no sooner on the gear shift then Liis reached up and placed hers upon it. Her wedding rings glinted in the now shimmering sunlight.

"Not just yet?"

Keiran nodded once, and Liis adjusted her seat so it tilted back. She put her booted feet up onto the dashboard and reached for the stereo on switch again.

Keiran bit his lip. "Think that's a good idea? I...I don't know what all William has programmed inta it."

"Yeah." Liis assured him. "What's a drive without music?"

For the next few hours, Keiran drove them along a rambling path; one with no destination in particular. Finally, the afternoon sun began to wane, and they both knew the time they had left here was short.

"We have to close up the house, Liis," Keiran reminded regretfully. He only hoped he could think of up a good enough reason to keep her out of the bedroom until they went back to the ship so his surprise wouldn't be given away too soon.

He steered the car in a series of winding arcs, and they drove up the road leading to their homestead at last. Just as they were about to begin the ascent over the last hill where the house would come into view, Liis felt her stomach drop and her heart begin to race.

"I don't know if I can do it, Keiran." She warned him suddenly. "If I go back inside now, you may never get me out of that house again."

"Liis," Keiran slowed the car to a lurching stop and ground the gears into Park; letting it idle as he looked upon her with eyes as clear and blue as the very sky.

"Are you sure that you want to go back? Because Alchemy Project be damned, if you want to stay here," he grasped hold of her hand with both of his. "Where you are, I will be. That's all."

For a moment, she truly considered it.

Then the faces of her crew appeared in her mind, one by one.

TC Blane and Salvek.

Rada Dengar, Vol Tryst, and Dabin Reece.

February Grace, Zander Blakeslee, and Dane Cristiane.

They, and those dear to them, would remain on the Serendipity with or without her. She knew if she chose to stay behind that the Project would continue on and, she was certain, probably even run much more efficiently without her in command of the ship.

But she was their Captain, and they'd already been through so much. There was still so much work to be done.

She would never abandon them, no matter how badly her fear told her to keep right on running or worse, if it told her instead now to hide.

"Thank you." Was all that she whispered, her fingers grazing the bristly beard on his chin.

He knew what she meant, and he knew she was right. It was time for them to get back to work.

"Do you want ta go straight back ta the ship? You can beam up, I can handle things here at the house."

"No." Liis insisted. "We came here together, and that's how we'll leave."

Keiran smiled softly, his eyes shining with the threat of tears as he put the car back into gear. "Aye, then, herself has spoken. Onward."


Before they could even see the house, they heard the noise. Something was going on and whatever it was, it was making an unholy racket.

Keiran first saw the familiar shadows of supply vehicles. Then he heard the sound of hammers striking nails, and the whine of saws slicing timber.

"What the bloody hell." He blanched, completely mortified.

Apparently Will had gotten a head start on that garage idea, and he'd contracted the O'Sullivan brothers and their crews from Emerald Isle Construction of Cork and set them to work already.

What was more, Keiran saw two of his sisters, Eilish and Mary Clare standing on the steps of the porch.

Eilish had an enormous mixing bowl poised in the crook of her arm and was gesturing with a large wooden spoon, and Mary Clare was standing on her tip toes, hands to her mouth, yelling something at someone who was apparently not listening intently enough.

The little nun marched from the porch and approached the towering man, who was sweaty and covered in dirt, and shook her head. She pointed to a nearby flowerbed and made a gesture that indicated that she had no compunction about hitting him upside the head, construction helmet notwithstanding, should he tread upon her sister in law's flowers again.

As Liis blinked, taking it all in, the horror on Keiran's face became evident.

He had apparently not intended for them to have any company during these, their final hours on Earth. His expression and the way he stammered as he tried to apologize did something Liis didn't think anything could today. It struck her as riotously funny, and she laughed, deeply.

"I didn' know they were gonna...Saints above, am sorry, Liis." He brought the car to a stop a safe distance from the construction, which, was progressing with the speed and efficiency of an old fashioned barn-raising and would be completed in no time.

"If you could only see..." Liis brushed a different sort of tears from her eyes now, "The look on your face, Keiran."

"'Tis not too late fer you ta save yerself." Keiran declared, so happy to hear her laugh that he managed to do so himself even as he joked and groaned at the same time. "You can still make a run fer it. Beam straight up ta the ship, and ya won't have ta deal with one more single O'Sullivan today. I'll handle things here and meet ya aboard after all this is over." He raised a hand and gestured toward the house.

"Looks like meh sisters have completely taken over yer kitchen. Am gonna have to have a talk with them about respectin' the lady of this house..."

"Keiran," Liis shook her head, truly grateful, somehow, for this surprising turn of events. "This is perfect. I wouldn't change it for the world."

Keiran took her face into his hands and kissed her passionately.

"Well well, they finally return!" Mary Clare clucked like a nervous chicken, scratching her way up to the car. "We didn' think you were ever comin' back. Dinner's nearly done, and the house is, after your inspection, ready ta be shut up until ya get back, Keiran. I promise, will keep close watch over it for you. Between me, Cleary and Eilish, you've nothin' to worry about."

Keiran exited the car, motioning for Liis to wait so he could open the door for her. She only allowed it because she knew these little gestures meant so very much to him.

Afterward, he hugged Mary Clare so tightly he lifted her tiny form a foot off the ground.

"Bless yer heart, Mary Clare. We'd all be lost without ya."

"That's honest truth." She answered, kissing his cheek before beginning to squirm like an anxious child. "Now, lemme go. 'Ave work ta do."

"Aye, Sister." Keiran took Liis' hand and led her toward the construction so she could check out the work in progress.

"Two car garage as requested, right?" Cleary grinned, wiping his palm on his pant leg before offering his hand to Keiran- not that it did anything to remove any of the dirt on his hand. "Room for that thing Lindsay gave you and an'a'thin' else ya need ta keep safe. Perhaps, even put a workshop in there one day of yer own Keiran so you don' keep havin' ta borrow my tools." Cleary winked at Liis, obviously teasing.

"Tis grand, Cleary. Thank ya." Keiran marveled.

Seeing the way the garage was being built gave Liis even more appreciation for the work that had gone into building the house. "Yes, thank you, Cleary."

"Don' thank me. Thank them." He gestured toward his men. "They're doin' the most of it."

"You know what? I think I will." Liis decided. "Excuse me, gentlemen." She took off and Keiran rushed after her.

"Hold up there you! You'll be needin' a hard hat!"

Liis was grateful for the chance to walk amongst the men of the construction crew, shaking hands and promising them that she herself would buy their next round at O'Halloran's.

In fact, she promised, she'd make arrangements that come next St. Patrick's Day, they could all drink a health to each other, since she wouldn't be there to toast them herself.

The workers took to her instantly and began trading jokes with her as Keiran stood back and watched, amazed.

She was still so much a mystery, this woman. All the years he'd known her, and she could still surprise him.

Her mind so full of hidden thoughts and buried emotions, treasures yet to be unearthed. He knew that he could spend the rest of his life with her and never for a moment be bored.

At last they approached the house, and as they climbed the steps Liis hesitated, but only for an instant.

"Are ya goin' to be all right if you go inside?" Keiran worried, thinking of what she'd said on the drive back.

"Our family is in there, Keiran." Liis replied, for the very first time referring to what was his as also hers, and instantly reducing him to tears by doing so. "I'll be fine."

Keiran reached for the door handle and pulled, but then Liis suddenly stopped cold, holding him back by the sleeve.


She became aware as he opened the front door that there was music coming from inside.

She closed her eyes, recognizing that several of his nieces and nephews were scattered around the living room, playing various instruments.

She heard feminine voices harmonizing from the kitchen, and she focused on it all intensely, not wanting to ever forget the way she felt tonight, hearing the sound.

She leaned her head down onto Keiran's shoulder as they stood still in the doorway and he enclosed her in his arms.

The daylight was dimming around them, Keiran observed, and he watched as lights came up outside to illuminate the very last of the work being done on the new structure. Those lights cast a soft glow over the land in contrast to the retreating sun, and he suddenly wished that his parents were here as he heard Eilish and Mary Clare singing clear and beautiful two part harmony.

He felt Liis shoulders begin to shake and pulled her to his chest, knowing that there was nothing he could do in this moment but hold her, and let her cry as she finally came undone.

He gently guided her around the side of the porch, to give her as much time as she needed in as much privacy as possible to get it all out of her system. He smoothed her hair and whispered into her ear, promising her that before she knew it, they'd be back home once again.

As Liis sobbed in Keiran's arms, she was unaware of a lone figure slowly approaching.

She was far away in this moment, seeing visions of times long gone and those only just past replaying in her mind.

She thought about the times she and Keiran had fallen in love and then parted here, of the Perseids and the Poplar tree; of their houses, both of them, and of that first anniversary night when she finally showed him that she had, in fact, learned to dance; just so she could finally have a proper dance with him.

She thought about Barleycove Beach and Mizen Head light, and then she thought of their weddings, the one before, and the one in this time.

Images layered in her mind's eye like a photo album of snapshots, frozen instants in time, one upon another.

She saw TC Blane in his tux, raising his glass during the Loving Cup toast, then she remembered him standing at her side in O'Halloran's, seemingly only a minute ago and later raising his flask to them as he stood under their favorite tree.

She saw Keiran waiting at the end of the aisle for her, looking more amazing than she had ever seen him, cufflinks and all. She remembered the fireworks, and the look in his eye when he had swept her up into his arms and carried her over the threshold.

The figure approaching came closer, still unseen and unheard by her as she was lost in the sound of the building going on but more so, of the music from the house.

The figure tilted his head curiously in question toward Keiran, who merely nodded that he should continue his approach.

Finally, Liis heard a voice.

"Hey there now, Just Liis. What's all this about, then?"

Liis head snapped up, her tear-stained face the picture of surprise as she saw her stepson standing before her; clean shaven, and wearing a Starfleet uniform.

"Carrick," she gasped, as she turned from Keiran as Carrick embraced her tightly.

She drew back, unable to believe how grown up he looked in his new clothes, and how quickly he seemed to be stepping into the role of Starfleet cadet. "Look at you," Liis brushed her hand across his cheek, overwhelmed. "Just look at you."

"Am gonna make you proud, I promise." Carrick declared, locking trademark O'Sullivan blue eyes upon his father's face now. "Both of yis."

"We are proud, Carrick," Keiran couldn't keep the emotion from his voice or his countenance as he put a hand on his son's shoulder. "Couldn't be more proud."

As most of the crowd inside the house kept singing, Eilish poked her head around the corner.

"Well, come on with ya all! Dinner's gonna get cold!" She hurried off, and Carrick led the way into the house, leaving Liis and Keiran to lag behind a few steps.

As they reached the entryway, Liis held back.

"I'll be right behind you," she promised. "I just need a second."

Keiran nodded, leaving her alone.

She turned around and looked out over the land, then back at the warm glow shining from the windows of the house.

She realized then that even though she may have to leave this place for now, she could never, ever truly say goodbye to it again.

Zanh Liis O'Sullivan
Bajoran Woman with an Irish Heart
USS Serendipity NCC-2012

NRPG: Have a very happy, and most of all safe, St. Patrick's Day.

If you're going to celebrate the occasion with drink, please, designate a driver.