286: Breaking the Ice

By Dabin Reece
Directly After Needed Not Wanted

-= Tri City Tower area of Stra II=-

Reece watched the exchange between Rada and the Strasa like it was a tennis match. Back and forth they went til Rada relented at the implication the "danger" may have meant the Away Team being locked up in prison or worse if they persisted in demanding access to the central grid. Rada and the Strasa stared at each other for a few more moments, no one sure who should make the next move.

*Say something.* February thought to Reece.

Reece took a step forward and clapped his hands together. "Well. Where should we start then?"

"This way please." The Strasa ushered them forward. Rada whispered to the team as they walked.

"Everyone, no one is to so much as touch any power panel or relay until I've scanned it personally to determine there is no risk of any energy discharge. Is that clear?"

"Crystal." Dabin replied. The rest of the away team acknowledged as well.

The man who had greeted them at the landing pad jogged up in front of the group and brought them all to a stop. "Wait! We are here."

Rada looked around the chamber they had entered. It was circular with complex equipment covering every square meter of wall.

"This looks like Communications equipment." He observed.

"Correct Mister..."


"I am Kolm, one of the junior engineers of this facility. This room is the lifeblood of our computer network on this planet. It routes communications, gives people access to the central library computer... everything they need to stay connected."

Reece swore the man twitched when he used the word connected, like an addict that needed a fix. As dependent as they were on technology it was entirely possible their behavior could become erratic from withdrawal-like symptoms at any time.

"So Kolm, buddy... Can I call you Kolm?" Reece desperately tried to take the nervous man off edge. He approached the man slowly and put his arm around his shoulder. The security guards flinched but Kolm waved them off. "What is it we can do for you here? Because that's why we are here, to help you out, my friend."

"Well, the power fluctuations caused quite a bit of damage to these devices, and certain components need to be recalibrated."

"But unless we restore power none of that will help." Kellyn offered. She knew she was stating the obvious, she was more interested in how Kolm would reply than anything else. Kolm's skin began to lighten, presumably in what a Stra native would call a blush.

"We are aware of that, it is just imperative that when the power and control systems are restored, that this area before anything else is up and running so communications come back on line immediately."

"But what about the water and sanitation systems?" February asked.

"Yeah what about those Kolm. You want we should have a look-see for you?" Reece asked.

"Just stay in here. Please. What are you doing, excuse me!" Kolm pushed Reece's arm off his shoulder and walked across the room, to where Rada had begun scanning.

"I'm looking for power fluctuations in this equipment." Rada answered.

"Please. No scanning beyond this room."

Rada flipped his tricorder shut. "Do you have a superior I can speak with?"

Kolm's reaction was somewhat disappointed, as if he would very much like to find a superior so he no longer had to deal with the Starfleet Officers.

"I am afraid everyone else is very much occupied with the central grid repairs. Your efforts here will allow several more of our people to help down below, and will expedite repairs. We greatly appreciate your help." Kolm seemed almost apologetic in his remarks.

Rada regarded Kolm for a moment, then flipped open his tricroder. "Everyone set scanning range to a maximum of ten meters, let's get to work."

*So we are just going to let them keep whatever is going on below a secret?* February asked telepathically.

*Yeah I guess, unless you know some kick ass Ninja moves you haven't told me about, and can take out the brute squad over there.*

*If I know Rada and Lair they are probably already up to something to figure out how we can get a glimpse of what's going on down below.* February opened one of the panels, as Rada showed her the node that had been corrupted and how to reset it so she could work on her own.

Reece opened his own panel across the room, as Kellyn explained the same to him.

"What's the plan?" Reece whispered.

"We bide our time for now. As important as technology is to these people it doesn't make sense that they wouldn't want the whole Starfleet Corps of Engineers down there to fix their problem. None of this makes sense."

"Just let me know how Bru and I can help."

Kellyn raised the volume of her voice so no one would get suspicious. "Just turn it back into place and you are done. Move onto the next one."

Reece looked at the next panel.... and the next one.... and the one above that one...

Kolm was on his way out of the room, and Reece shouted to stop him. "Hey, uh, Foam!"


"Sorry! Say how many of these things are there in this room?"

"One thousand, eight hundred seventy three."

"Oh, ok buddy that's great! Thanks for letting me know this job really was as soul crushingly long as it looked."

Reece opened the next panel, made the necessary repairs, and slammed it shut. He began to sing as he worked.

"One thousand, eight hundred seventy three broken communication relays on the wall,
One thousand, eight hundred seventy three broken communication relays.
Open the face, screw the thing back in place.
One thousand, eight hundred seventy two broken communication relays on the wall

Kellyn thought about shushing him, but realized his insidious song was drawing the attention of the security guards towards him, and away from her and Rada. So, as much as it pained her to do so, she let him continue on as the rest of the team bided its time.

Commander Dabin Reece
Chief Science Officer
USS Serendipity NCC-2012