1034: Music to My Ears

by Vol Tryst and TC Blane
Following Strong Medicine

-=USS Serendipity=-

After making sure that February Grace and Sophie were safely in their quarters, Sophie having being reassured of Dabin's well-being was no longer fussing and had taken to what may become a rather long nap, Vol politely excused himself and made his exit. Taking a moment to himself, closing his eyes and recollecting recent events, he centered himself and knew what he had to be doing.

He had to find out all that he could about what he could do to help Rada Dengar's condition.

~Almost Three Hours Later~

Vol was thankful that the Serendipity's Medical Lab was situated on the same deck as his office. It made moving his research, when he tired of one place, from one place to another very simple. He'd spent the first hour in his quarters, the next in his office and now he was approaching his third straight hour while in the Medical Lab.

Vol had come up with anything and everything he could, his studious qualities still readily available to draw upon from when he was in the Academy. It seemed that, as he moved from room to room, the amount of data he had to transport increased. Now in the lab, he found himself standing as he stared at twelve different PADDs. Some were reports of case studies that were somewhat similar to Rada's situation, others were accredited theoretical papers from the best doctors in the field relating to memory and trauma therapy.

Vol had his own personal PADD in hand and as he circled the table and occasional lifted one of the texts to read. As he did so he was always inputting notes into his own PADD, something worth remembering, or a reminder to find more data on a particular consequence or phenomenon.

Once he realized he'd been at this for so long, Vol set down his note-pad and let out a yawn. He rubbed his face and moved to exit the lab. He needed a small repose, otherwise his findings would be soaked in exhaustion and a be rendered useless. Before he left, he danced his fingers on a control panel.

“Computer. Please erect a force field around Station 3.”

The computer complied and a force field now stood around his data. During his studies at the Academy, Vol would frequently leave his work unattended. He quickly learned that precautions needed to be taken if this habit were to continue, lest some Klingon imbecile from his First Contact elective course decided to embed a dagger in his research... again.

So Vol walked out of the lab and into the hallway, bringing his palms to his face once more, rubbing the weariness from his eyes as if it were something he could simply smudge away.

He almost walked smack dab into the ship's Second Officer, Commander Blane. The commander deftly side-stepped the weary counselor without even so much as looking up and continued down the hall.

Vol was not in the habit of eavesdropping on the emotions of passersby; but the level of frustration, irritation, and profound sadness that was emanating from the man was impossible to miss. It was a rarity and somewhat of a shock to the counselor because in the time he had served with the commander, he had found the man almost impossible to get a good read on. Always in control and his mind only fixed on what he was doing at the time.

“Sorry, Commander.” Vol stammered as Blane continued down the hall.

TC glanced back and nodded to Vol. “No problem.”

Suddenly all of the emotions changed. Instantly, the frustration, irritation, and sadness were replaced by… random thoughts and emotions. No clear pattern to them and they made no sense to Vol. Instantly, the counselor was intrigued. His mind raced over what he knew of TC Blane besides that the man always found a way around or out of his psych evaluations. He remembered reading that the man was assigned to Special Operations for a number of years and much of those files were classified.

It was possible that Blane had special training to avoid telepathic and empathic spies. Vol watched TC continue down the corridor, an annoyed sigh escaping him. *That would make sense,* Vol surmised. *What is it with everybody on this ship and telepaths?*

Honestly, Vol was perturbed at this realization that it was possible there was a very good reason the Second Officer and himself had never really got to talk about anything. Another reason why the same man managed to dodge all of his psychological evaluations. Given that Vol was more concerned with Rada Dengar at the moment, he was more than happy to just go. Why offer to help someone who's clearly not interested?

Still, Mister Blane was troubled by something, and Vol felt this overpowering urge to render aid. The same quality that all counselors likely had: that nagging feeling to help when you were able to. Vol crossed his arms and looked to Blane, walking further and further away.

*Very well, but I'm going to have a little fun. I deserve it and I don't so much care if it gets me into trouble.*

“Commander, a moment if you will.”

Blane's pace did slow, though the man did not stop he somewhat turned his head though not all the way around.

"Not now, Counselor," he said. Tryst could've been anyone aboard this ship and he likely would have responded the same way. He just finished talking for what felt like an eternity, and spent the thirty minutes writing and submitting his report to the Captain requesting that Rada be removed from duty, he wished to take a break now.

"Commander," Tryst repeated as he caught up to TC. He stood, with a face of painted with lines of worry and regret. "I do apologize, but I must speak with you."

*Well, so long as he does most of the talking.* TC reasoned with himself.

"Very well." TC said curtly. Vol swallowed an apparent lump in his throat and spoke again.

"I--I am sure it had not escaped your notice that you have . . . failed to make an appearance to any of your appointments."

“Really?” TC answered quickly without missing a beat. “My apologies, Counselor. I’ll have to consult my schedule and rectify the situation.”

"Well," Vol looked down, as if what he was about to say was somewhat difficult for him. "It would appear that it falls upon me to inform you that this hasn't exactly escaped the notice of Starfleet Medical, either. They contacted me recently to inquire as to why, out of all the reports I have submitted, yours were among those missing. I told the truth, and due to your significant role in The Alchemy Project and in the ranks of the crew manning the Serendipity, I must press upon you that you cannot delay meeting with me any further."

Vol grimaced in a manner that suggested he regretted being the bearer of bad news.

*Starfleet Medical can take a long walk off a short pier. * TC thought to himself, but clearly enough for Vol to clearly understand.

“Sorry.” Was all he offered verbally as he continued to walk, his pace quickening.

"Half an hour, Commander." Vol's voice was a tad sharper now. "Half an hour, that's all I need, and frankly..." Vol remembered his research still waiting for him in the lab. "...it's all I have time for. But it has to be right now."

TC suddenly stopped and turned to face the Counselor. Vol got the distinct feeling that it was now himself that was being mentally read as the commander's icy blue eyes stared directly in his. A long moment passed before TC finally spoke.

“Very well Counselor.” TC folded his arms across his chest. “Now will work for me, in fact there is something in fact that I do need to talk with you about.”

He stepped aside. “Lead the way.”

Vol would've preferred if he didn't, but he'd already pushed his luck and would likely need to push it further in the coming half-hour. He didn't peg Blane to be the type to make a getaway while his back was turned, so the hybrid Betazoid-Human mix strode ahead towards his office.

TC followed close behind keeping just slightly behind Vol and to his right. Vol got the distinct impression that TC was sizing him up, judging his worth not just as a counselor, but as a man. *He is deciding if he can trust me, * he suddenly realized.

He entered through the doors to his office and immediately went to the replicator. “Would you care for anything Commander?”

“Water, please.”

Vol took the beverage and set them on the table which separated a couch and two chairs. Vol sat, albeit somewhat stiffly, on the couch and took a gulp of his hot chocolate. He then lifted his rear, straightened his blue tunic and looked up at TC.

Normally TC would have remained standing but instead sat down across from Vol and picked up the glass of water taking a sip and setting it back down on the table.

“Well, you did say you had something you wanted to discuss. To borrow your own words, Commander, lead the way.” Vol wasn't being smart, his posture and attitude exuded professionalism, actually.

“Yes.” TC pulled a PADD from his tunic and laid it on the table. “A short time ago I formally requested that Lieutenant Commander Rada Dengar be removed from active duty. The captain will soon, if she has not already, submit my request to you and the ship’s CMO. I figured I would save you the trip of finding me for your investigation into his fitness for duty as I am sure you need my reasons for my…request.”

“The gesture is very much appreciated, Commander.” The Counselor offered.

Vol did not need to have any special abilities to know that the man seated across from him was not happy in the least about having to file the report.
TC continued. “I had hoped to avoid this course of action.” He paused, not caring to reveal the events leading up to this point. “I took no pleasure in having to submit that.”

“But,” Vol jumped on the train that TC had already let out of the station, “you felt it was necessary?”

“Yes.” TC frowned and looked to the floor between his feet, knowing exactly what the Counselor's follow-up question would be.


TC thought for a moment as to the best way to describe his reasoning. “Rada has been indecisive in the past and prone to indecision and self doubt. This has caused me to raise a concern to the Captain before. As a department head you do not have the luxury of these emotions.”

“Ever since our encounter with the Domox and the resulting consequences to Rada from his actions, he has become withdrawn and introverted. He seems to be a man lost and on edge without knowing why.” TC was careful not to speak directly of the TI procedure knowing that Vol would know exactly why he was referring to. “My past experiences with similar situations have always proven to be…hazardous…to not only themselves but to those around them.”

TC sat back. “I can’t allow even the slightest possibility of someone else getting hurt because of Rada’s mental state.” He folded his arms across his chest. “Despite what TI says I am not convinced that he is healing…not correctly anyway.” He leaned back forward in the chair and looked at Vol. “I’ve seen the look in Rada’s eyes before. I can not take the chance.”

TC wouldn't have been able to tell, but Vol was checking off a mental list he had prepared for this exact encounter. As TC spoke Vol was very satisfyingly checking off box after box after box.

“What would be?” He asked when there was enough of a pause to suggest it was his turn to speak. “I mean, you say the crew mate in question isn't healing correctly. Do you have an idea of what a 'healing-well Rada Dengar' would look like?”
“Everyone has the need to grieve, for others, themselves, for things that they have done or failed to do, mistakes they have made. Guilt is a facet of life that those of us who are mortal beings have to deal with.” TC stood and paced now. “Accepting it, being mad at yourself, others, the world…whatever mode someone picks to deal with what Rada experienced would be different.” He turned back to Vol. “But it must be deal with…somehow.”

He rubbed his chin. “Some think what TI did to Rada was humane and saved his life. Believe me, the man was in sorry shape. But trying to erase what happened is only a stop-gap to the problem, like putting bubble gum in the dam to stop a leak. Sure it will work for a bit but it will start to leak again and then what? If you do not fix the problem, face it head on, eventually the dam will bust and everyone on the wrong side will suffer. I truly believe that Rada’s dam is starting to leak.” He turned away from Vol. “Strong enough to file this request.”

Vol knew TC Blane’s loyalty to the captain and he also knew quite well the captain’s stance on this particular matter. For TC to have filed the report officially signified how strongly he felt about the matter. It also explained his mood. The man was torn between his loyalty to his captain and his shipmates.

TC turned back. “If he is not allowed to fix the leak himself…well I think you get the picture.”

Vol had been very quiet. He did not interrupt, he did not clear his throat to relief an itch, his breathing couldn't be heard and he barely moved. Even his thoughts were relatively calm, save for one moment during TC's explanation where Vol couldn't help but think to himself, *Music. Absolute music to my ears.*

Despite his agreement to meet with him, TC Blane had not lowered his mental defenses in the slightest since entering the Counselor's office. Not expecting TC to stop the silliness even if he asked, even if there were a cherry on top, Vol had to rely on TC's wording more than his emotional state which was hidden to Vol. It was exactly for that reason Vol felt a wave of relief over his body and his previously tense shoulders seemed to lax all on their own.

Vol allowed for a moment of silence to pass, looking at the Commander and unconsciously biting the knuckle of one of his fingers. After he went through a mental checklist in his mind, he felt comfortable with his conclusion and stood up abruptly and moved to the office wall.

“The session is over, if you stay any longer, it will be noted in my report as 'more-than deemed required.' You are free to go.” Vol was waving his fingers in front of his face as he stared at all the drawers on the wall, he was very clearly looking for something.

TC frowned. “That is all you need from me?”

“Well, I did say that all I required was 30 minutes. If I've kept you even less time than it is a testament to just how damn good I am, though I honestly didn't expect you to complain at being relieved of what some may call 'torture.'”
TC shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve been through worse.”

By now Vol had tapped a button, and a foot long drawer protruded out of the wall. It contained many different PADDs, most of them labeled confidential. Vol let his fingers dance along them before finally removing one and looking at it quickly, he discerned it was indeed what he was looking for and he looked back at Blane.

“Your concern for your crewmate doesn't stem from a discomfort or displeasure that you may or may not experience when you are around him. Instead, you seem to have been able to remove yourself from your personal attachments and look at the situation objectively. Having done so, you've made the conclusion that the treatment of Rada Dengar since the Domox incident has been the incorrect one. You value the man and also acknowledge his fragile state and how such a state can be volatile to the ship, its crew and the Project.”

Vol stopped, now once again looked down at the PADD in his hands. He read the first few words upon it and the memories of when he first wrote it came rushing back to him, as if he'd written them just yesterday.

“Commander,” Vol had subtly switched roles, indicated by his tone of voice. He had gone from Counselor to Lieutenant in just a short instant. “I am normally bound by law not to reveal this to you,” Vol waved the PADD in his hand, “as it refers to a patient and I am sworn to respect this patient's privacy.

“However, after a good deal of hours spent in research and study, I have reason to believe that the patient in question is no longer the person they were and therefore an altogether different person today. Therefore, I would be breaking my promise to a person, who in my opinion, is no longer with us.”

Vol handed the PADD to his superior officer and added, “If ever you wanted to stir something up against TI and it's methods, I will support you. One hundred percent.”

TC nodded as he took the PADD. “That is reassuring, Counselor, but my concern is with getting Rada Dengar the help he needs to deal with this as well as maintaining the safety of this crew.” He tapped the PADD against his hand, as he stood up to look at Vol at eye-level. “Spitting into TI’s proverbial soup would just be a bonus.”
“Then perhaps this is where we differ.” Vol interceded, though politely. “Of course I want to see Rada take a more promising path to becoming completely healthy again, but that doesn't change the fact that this resequencing procedure is ludicrous to begin with, in my opinion. I'm trying to learn all I can about the method, it's history, its flaws and benefits; in order to uncover some sort of . . . failing.” Vol inhaled deeply and then exhaled. “I don't want another case like Rada Dengar's to come across my desk ever again.”

TC Blane reached out and placed a hand on Vol's shoulder. "Do whatever you can for him. Anything I can do, just let me know."

“I have not been allowed to meet with him.” Vol almost blurted out. Taking a second to compose himself again, feeling the weight of Blane's hand on his shoulder. “If you could, maybe grease the tracks a little?” He raised a hopeful eyebrow.

"This is an official request, Counselor. You will have to approve him to return to duty." Blane then turned to leave but stopped short of the door and turned around.

"Oh, and Counselor," he tapped his head. "It's nothing personal. Old habits die hard."

Vol wanted to retort with something witty and smart, but the words never came to mind and so he just forced a smile and nodded at the Commander. After the doors hissed shut, Vol collapsed on to the couch.

*Just ten minutes to myself and then I'll hit the books again. Just ten minutes.*

Lieutenant (JG) Vol Tryst
Ship's Counselor
USS Serendipity NCC-2012


Commander TC Blane
Second Officer
USS Serendipity NCC-2012