By Lance Hartcort and Dabin Reece
After Hear Me Out
-=Sickbay, USS Serendipity=-
After Hear Me Out
-=Sickbay, USS Serendipity=-
Lance pulled up a chair next to Dabin’s bedside and looked over the information displaying on the medical tricorder and the biobed. He glance down at Dabin, whose eyes were closed and breathing was rhythmic and steady.
Lance shook his head as he looked at the information and smiled slightly. “Pretending to be asleep will not save you from my checkup Mr. Reece.”
Dabin’s left eye cracked open. “Not buying it huh?” he said weakly.
Lance looked back down to his tricorder. “Nope. I am a medical doctor and…” He nodded to the readings on the screen above the biobed. “…I have all of this neat-o technology to tell when you are faking.” He smiled.
Dabin cracked a smile.
Lance rested the tricorder on his lap and looked at Dabin. “How are you feeling?”
Dabin shrugged. “Pretty good, Doc. Actually really good.”
Lance nodded. “Yes. That would be the special cocktail of hormones that I am administering to Reece combined with the painkillers that you are receiving.”
“Hormones?” Dabin asked. “Really?”
“Yes. I’ve been researching Starfleet medical records as well as all of the medical information that we have been given from Trill as well as consulting our illustrious LMH. The hormones should help Reece keep the biological connections with you. However you might feel a little…disconnected from Reece. The hormones will place him in a mild…trance…to let him heal. So you might feel a little lonely at times.”
“Okay…” Dabin said slowly.
“Dabin, We are shooting into the dark here. I’ve tried contacting the Symbiosis Commission for assistance and they were quite willing to help until…”
Dabin grinned meekly. “Until they found out who you were contacting them about.”
Lance nodded. “I get the feeling that you do not get invited to the reunions.”
“Reassociation,” Dabin said. Hartcort nodded in understanding. “Happened before we knew you, obviously. Don’t get the wrong idea, its not just a Reece and Grace thing, I really do love February. I can’t even imagine…” Dabin’s eyes began to cloud.
“I know Dabin, believe me. You don’t need to explain yourself.”
Lance took a deep breath. “Dabin, we need to discuss something. Right now I have every confidence that we are going to get you and Reece through this. However, in the unfortunate event that events take the more critical turn, I need to know what measures you would want us to use to save yourself and Reece. I know this is something horrific to ask and I am not expecting an answer now. Take a bit and discuss it with your wife. But let me know and take it from me…” He grabbed Dabin’s hand. “…Don’t leave that weight on February to decide.”
“Doctor Hartcort, I don’t need a second to think. You do whatever it takes to get me through this so I can go home. Reece has asked though, that if you lose Dabin, but need him to sustain Reece, that you let us both pass. Reece knew the risks when we Reassociated, and he has no intention of going back on the decisions he’s made. Every moment was worth it.”
“I understand. I’ll note it in my log, and I’ll need your Command Code to verify your decision.”
There was an awkward silence between the two that stretched on for a few minutes, while Hartcort busied himself taking readings.
“What about you?”
“Huh?” Lance asked.
“How are you feeling? T’Dara…”
“Oh.” Lance smiled weakly. “I’ve been so busy that I have not really had time to let it sink in completely.” He folded his hands into his lap. “But it is one of those things that is always there, especially in this room. This was more her Sickbay then mine. Everywhere you look you can still see part of her.”
Lance leaned forward and pressed a hypo to Dabin’s arm. “This will help you sleep.”
“Mmmm sleep,” Dabin hummed softly. “I’ll take an order of that with extra shuteye.”
“Before that hypo kicks in, I’d like to ask you something else. Would you consider spending some time on Earth while you heal? Seems we are never more than a few seconds away from a battle or a rift or some sort of space-time fluke that is going to doom us all. Not the best environment for someone who should be holding still as much as possible.”
Dabin’s mind was drifting and a smile was playing out across his face. It was one of those smiles you get when realize you don’t know what is so funny, and you can’t help but be amused because you were smiling at nothing.
“Doc I don’t know what was in that one but I knows I aint’s feelin’ no pain so I’m just going to agree with whatever you say. Earth sounds lovely. I heard its duck season. No, its wabbit season. No, duck season.”
“Well, since whatever I say goes, how about after you get out of here you make me some Chinese food and show me some of your Bugs Bunny collection?”
“It’s a date.” Dabin slurred. He fought to keep his eyes open but was losing the battle. The various lights above him and in his peripheral vision began to blur together into one blob of white light before vanishing completely as his lids shut.
With his patient completely under, the worry now crossed Lance’s face. He was a good doctor and he knew it, but he was working overtime on Dabin’s case and getting no help from those who were in a position to help the most. He really could not understand why anyone would intentionally withhold assistance that would cause harm or even death of another living being.
He shook his head and promised to write a sternly worded letter to Starfleet on this situation. As he stood up he gently pulled the covers higher around Dabin and patted the Trill on the shoulder.
As he turned to walk back to his office he practically ran into TC Blane who had somehow managed to walk into Sickbay unnoticed.
TC Blane nodded. “Doctor.”
Lance clutched his chest in shock. “That is twice today someone has done that to me.” He looked up at TC. “You’re not a hologram are you?”
TC frowned. “Pardon?”
Lance shook his head and mumbled. “I’m gonna put a freaking cow bell on that door.” Hartcort sighed, then smiled at TC. “What can I do for you Commander?”
TC nodded towards Dabin. “How is he doing?”
Lance glanced back towards his patient. “Well he is not out of the woods yet, but I think we at least see the edge of the clearing. I think I will send him to Earth when we arrive. Some fresh air and sun will do him good.”
TC nodded his agreement. “I also wanted to remind you that you need to review the staff replacement dossiers that I sent.” TC lowered his eyes to the floor. “I understand that we are not long removed from the loss of T’Dara but for us to replace…re-staff her position, we must do it while at Earth.”
He gently grabbed Lance by the shoulder and led him away from the biobeds for a little more privacy. “Because of the sensitive nature of the Project we only have a limited number of people who are qualified for the position. Zander and myself have already reviewed and checked the security clearances but you need to review them and choose the top three candidates that you want.”
TC slapped Lance on the back. “It is a crappy thing but is must be done.” He turned to leave. “Get to it, Doctor.”
Lance simply nodded and smiled.
After TC walked out the door Lance let out a slow breath. “Ooooouuccchhhh.”
He walked back to his office as he rolled his shoulders trying to shake off TC’s friendly slap. “I swear he does that on purpose.”
Doctor Lance Hartcort
Chief Medical Officer
USS Serendipity NCC-2012
Dabin Reece
Chief Science Officer
USS Serendipity NCC-2012
Doctor Lance Hartcort
Chief Medical Officer
USS Serendipity NCC-2012
Dabin Reece
Chief Science Officer
USS Serendipity NCC-2012