216: The Next Run

By Lt. Commander Avery Breaux
14 years before The Scientist

--=John's Grill, San Francisco, California=--

"They've delayed the appointments, obviously," Angela Nolan said as she eyed the food coming their way. Breaux was staring at the wood-paneled walls, not even noticing the multitude of ancient photographs that lined the walls just below the ceiling.

Angela leaned forward, "Are you listening boyo?"

Breaux continued to stare away, "No."

"Our efforts with our 'friends' have made us too valuable..."

Breaux countered, "So Starfleet has held off on putting you aboard a starship?...yes, of course...that makes little or no damned sense at all."

The waiter with food moved past them.

Nolan let a sound of disgust escape as she forged ahead, "Hudson wants us to make a run for him. Badlands to Dorvan."

Breaux finally looked back to Angela, "Dorvan V?" He said it again for effect, "Dorvan V? Is he out of his natural mind?"

Nolan was growing impatient as their food hadn't shown up. She glanced down the narrow dining room and then back to Breaux in response to the situation.

Avery cut her off, "I know what it's in response to. . .you realize that Picard and the rest would be all over us."

Nolan sat back and her dark hair fell over one eye. "Since when did you become a defeatist? We can do this t'ing; a 'we're in an we're out', back to the Badlands. We're damned near legendary...and Starfleet has no bloody idea who to look for."

Breaux folded his hands on the tabletop. Now she had his undivided attention. He spoke purposefully, "Yes. Our last run was so efficient. I believe it was another 'we're in, we're out' scenario, and what happened to our cargo?"

Avery knew full well that their shipment intended for Maquis operatives had been confiscated by station personnel during an unscheduled search of their ship. Avery and Angela had gotten wind of the search through an informant who worked a kiosk and had departed the deep space station by stowing away on an outgoing transport. They had escaped with moments to spare, but the mission had been a total loss.

Angela ran a hand through her hair, but the hair slipped back over one half of her face, "And yet, you're here, with me buying you a splendid lunch safe and sound." She smiled.

Avery knew that she loved the chase-and he loved the fact that she enjoyed it, and that he was a part of it. He hated what had happened to the colonists. That, coupled with the swashbuckling nature of his partner, had kept him in the game.

"You're hopeless," he told her, straightfaced.

"You love that about me...and don't forget, you'll be callin' me Captain before too long," she responded.

"Go to hell," Avery said quietly with a slight smile.

Angela laughed, "Oh, no doubt there boyo."


Lt. Cmdr. Avery Breaux
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Serendipity NCC-2012