895: Hook, Line, and...

by Vol Tryst and Keiran O'Sullivan
Hours after Casting the Lure

-=Bridge, USS Zenith=-

The vessel named Zenith, its crew, the empty space behind the view screen: everything, it all faded farther and farther away with every passing moment.

Vol was pushing himself so far, that it almost felt as if his being, along with his soul was disconnected from his body.

His body was more or less limp in the second-in command chair aboard the Zenith's bridge, where crew members had by now stopped whispering amongst themselves; wondering if the Counselor was well. An hour of waiting will do that.

It was like feeling the floor in a very large, pitch dark room. Vol didn't even know what it was really he was looking for, though that didn't assuage the fear that soon something might snap his metaphorical hand and this entire venture would be for naught.

Along with his physical environment, those familiar minds around him also faded away. All of his senses were switched off, everything concentrated on his psychic sense. He was growing weary, and one person in particularly was beginning to grow concerned about the man.

O'Sullivan had been watching Vol very closely as he sat completely still. First the man was very present in the moment, though deep in concentration. Then he gradually progressed through what appeared to Keiran to be boredom and finally even sleep,

Keiran wasn't sure quite what to make of it, so just left the Counselor to his own devices as how best to do the job assigned to him.

However, although Vol's eyes were shut, the lids moved along with the jerky motions of the eyeballs underneath. This was an internal struggle, not an exertion that demanded physical acuity.

“How long have we been here?” O'Sullivan asked of the Lieutenant that was nearest to him.

"Two hours and forty-seven minutes, Sir."

"That all?" Keiran tilted his head to the side, barely able to believe that so little time had elapsed.

"Aye...sir." Lt. Brand replied, shifting nervously. Apparently the moments were dragging for him as well.

O'Sullivan nodded and crossed his arms. He was trying to discern how long they should continue this stunt, concerned that the Counselor might extend himself so far he'd be irretrievable.

"Well then," Keiran reached up and stroked his beard thoughtfully, "is there any change in status of the--”

Vol's eyes shot open and he would've gotten out of his seat had it not been for the sudden tight gripping of his hands on the armrests.

It was a slight presence at first, which recoiled quickly away from Vol. It caught the Counselor off guard, which made it difficult to keep himself where he was, more so when whatever it was came back full force. The Counselor's face contorted in what looked like pain, the presence was fighting back hard.

Being that this was an unfamiliar mind to him, just as he was to the entity, it made it difficult to discern intent.

Neither understood the other's tongue or ways, so whether this was an offensive or defensive gesture Vol couldn't be sure.

He'd prepared for this however, so much schooling in his psychic ability would aid him now. All he had to do was tap into the part of the brain that housed languages and linguistics. As he tried to slip into that part of the creature's mind, he could feel the alien search around his own mind. Maybe they both had the same professor after all?

Vol let out a sigh of partial relief as he relaxed once more in the chair. That was exhausting and he still felt so strung out and taut like a wire, but he needed a brief repose.

*You...* The voice in his mind sounded now as though it was speaking Federation Standard, though the accent was bizarre. Likely this presence would say the same of him when he summoned up the strength to respond.


Vol winced, the voice was louder this time.

Vol inhaled and exhaled a few times before swallowing hard. His eyes were still closed.

*I am Vol of the USS Serendipity.*

*You are telepathic. . .* The voice said, a sinister sense of satisfaction in its tone.

*As are you.* Vol thought.

There was a pause, and Vol was thankful.

*Tired?* The voice inquired, indeed he was telepathic.

*I am far, far away.* Vol explained.

*In your mind, yes. Too far, too dangerous. I can break you.*

*No, you cannot.*

Another pause.

*You are honest, like the others.* The voice responded.

*Where are the others?* Vol asked.

*We are holding them, they are safe.*

Now, it was Vol's turn to pause as he had to let his emotions wash over him. To push them off in such a state would be too distracting.

He took in another deep breath, putting the pieces together and knowing now just what this species was capable of.

*You, are not sincere.*

The alien took a moment to respond, likely adjusted his preconceptions of who it was he was talking to.

*They deserved their fate, just as all telepaths deserve to die.* Vol felt what might be described as shove or a push from a bully on a Terran high school playground. Vol pushed back however, recovering the balance of this mutual psychic invasion.

*Let me see the others.* Vol insisted.

*How is it that I cannot enter your mind fully?* The alien countered, ignoring Vol's demand.

Vol gulped. His opponent had managed to play Vol's own wild card before he had a chance to himself.

*I am different," he explained.

*Show me.*


Vol winced as he heard a loud scowling hiss of resentment and frustration. This was followed by another rather lengthy pause. Vol thought he felt hands on his arms, whether they were to offer support or to prompt a response he wasn't sure. There were also voices, loud voices, but Vol couldn't be on the Zenith now he had to remain where he was.

*We are the Domox, and you will show us what it is you speak of.*

*No.* Again Vol felt a push, but he was ready this time and exerted some psychic force in the same manner. The entity slipped back before steadying himself.

*My leader wishes to speak with you.* The Domox said now.

There was something wrong here, some sort of ploy his “tenant” had come up with. The alien continued. *My leader will enter my mind just as you have, that way--*

*No!* Vol retracted himself a little bit, so that returned most of this alien's brain function back, save for one small portion. This made his threat real, if Vol left now they wouldn't get what it was they were after.

The defenses that the alien's mind once exerted fell away, inviting Vol to reenter the way he had before.

*You will show us how you are preventing us from accessing your mind fully.* The Domox repeated.

*I know what you want, and you know what I want. Neither of us seems willing to be the first to do as asked. Negotiations will be necessary if there is to be a peace between our people.* Vol replied.

*We seek no peace.* The Domox stated with coldness that chilled Vol through. *Telepaths will die. If you wish for the rest of your people to survive, you will tell us how you are preventing us from learning your thoughts.*

Knowing all would be lost if he told them what he really wanted to, which was that they had a big surprise coming if they thought Zanh Liis was going to hand over her telepaths without a fight, Vol restrained himself mightily.

There was a chance to be taken here, and it had to be taken carefully.

*You must give me something first, in order for me to try to convince my leader to allow me to tell you what you want to know.*

*What are your terms?*

*You will speak with my Captain. If your words are given to you by your leader or not, I will have no way of knowing. We simply wish the safe return of the survivors.*

*Why should we agree to your demands?* The Domox scoffed. Clearly it was he who held the power and he knew it. *We already have your survivors.*

*Yes.* Vol conceded. *But you do not have me.* With that he severed the link. His consciousness snapped back to the Zenith like a elastic band and slowly he opened his eyes and looked over at O'Sullivan.

Vol's mind & thoughts felt like mush, his vision was hazy, his skin was pale and perspiring, but he'd managed to survive first contact with the species responsible for the disappearance of the Zenith's crew.

"Couns'lr?" Keiran asked, nervously twisting the wedding ring on his left hand with the fingers of his right.

"They're coming." Vol announced, before at last allowing his head to fall into his trembling hands.

Lt. Vol Tryst
Ship's Counselor
USS Serendipity NCC-2012


Commander Keiran O'Sullivan
Currently in Command
USS Zenith NCC-NCC-71215