27: In Plain Sight Part One

In Plain Sight Part One
by Salvek
Following "Tactical Assessment"

-=Aboard the Alchemy=-

"Agreed, Mr. Blane. We will make no attempt to conceal ourselves." Salvek concluded that Blane was right, the Romulans weren't here for them, and it was not their style to start shooting when it did not help them towards their goal.

"And suppose, I don't know, just for the sake of us who like living, that the Romulans decide they don't want to give a Federation ship the chance to find Zanh Liis, and vaporize us the minute they see us?" Reece chimed in.

"Then we will die." Salvek stated nonchalantly. "But there is no doubt any attempt to conceal ourselves will be seen as an aggressive move by the Romulans, and that will certainly draw their fire."

"Touché. I guess I don't have anything to say to that."

"Time to Aertok, helm?" Salvek asked.

"Fifteen minutes, Commander." Grace replied.

"Mr. Blane, gather weapons for the away team." Salvek ordered. "Helm, ease us out from between the Romulan ships so they can see us. Time to find out if they will attack or not."

"Aye sir." Grace tapped the thrusters ever so slightly, adjusting their course a fraction of a degree, just enough to ease them a few hundred meters from the Romulan ships.

"Any sign they saw us?" Salvek asked.

"They can see us all right." Reece said, as his scans confirmed they were no longer within the safe envelope that had kept them hidden. "Their course remains unchanged."

"Everyone to the conference room. Mr. Samson, you have the bridge." Samson was going to be the ranking officer left on the ship, with just a few ensigns, Fleur, and Arie. He only had to keep an eye on things, and have the transporters ready.

The rest of the crew filed into the conference room and waited for Blane.

TC pushed a cart into the room with a wide variety of personal phasers, phaser rifles and grenades. "Choose you weapons, ladies and gentleman."

Salvek and Blane each took rifles. The rest all took personal phasers and clipped them to their belts. TC took one extra phaser and extended it, handle first, toward Vedek Jariel.

"Are you SURE?" He asked. Jariel waved him off. TC shrugged and clipped the extra phaser to his hip; it never hurt to have a spare.

"We have no layout of this facility, so we may have to split up. Whoever finds the Captain first, call for beam up of the whole away team. Samson will have a lock on us at all times. Any questions?"

The room was quiet.

Salvek stepped up next to TC. "Then we are ready. Dismissed."

The crew returned to the bridge. February took her station at the helm. No one said a word; the anticipation of the rescue attempt was on everyone's mind. It had been a stressful search and everyone was keenly aware that now Zanh Liis' life was not the only one hanging in the balance.

February finally broke the silence. "We have reached Aertok."

"Take us out of warp. The Romulans, Mr. Reece?"

"Sorry, I lost sight of them once they dropped out of warp. You can bet they are nearby, probably with all their weapons targeting our bridge." Reece looked at Samson, who would soon be the only person on the bridge. "So good luck with that."

"Thanks." Samson replied dryly.

"I've got the warehouse on sensors. It’s shielded from internal scans but I can tell you Gleen only has two Nausicaans guarding the entrance." TC stated from tactical.

"The auction is starting, Zanh Liis is likely there now. We should go." Kellyn pointed out.

"Agreed. All hands to the transporter. You have the bridge, Mr. Samson."

The crew filed into the lift, then to the transporter room. TC entered the coordinates and took his place on the pad beside Salvek, Kellyn, Grace, Reece and Jariel.

"Energize." He ordered the computer.

Commander Salvek
Commanding Officer
USS Alchemy