42: Total Recall

Total Recall
by Salvek and Lair
Two Hours After Vigil

It had been just moments since the call from February Grace had come at last. She informed Salvek that she was about to land Alchemy on the surface of Bajor.

Salvek had kept his vigil at Zanh Liis' side while the Vedek slept. Camen was now awake, and Salvek had returned to his quarters to change back into his Starfleet uniform.

He felt just the slightest bump as February set the ship down, how else, gracefully. The small vessel landed right on the grounds of the immense hospital complex; the largest on Bajor.

Salvek returned to Sickbay, where the crew was now assembled.

The EMH, Vedek, and TC Blane were moving Liis' stasis chamber back onto an antigrav cart, to take her from the ship and into the hospital.

"All right, the patient is stable. Let me just get myself all hooked up into my mobile emitter here and we'll be ready to mosey." The EMH said, as he affixed the device to his forearm.

"Meet us on deck five." Salvek ordered to the crew. They departed the room, heading for the ramp at the bottom of the ship.

When the EMH was ready, Salvek, Kellyn, TC and the Vedek made their way with the EMH and Liis to the nearest turbolift.

"Deck five." He called, as they pressed against the walls to make room for the stasis chamber. As the doors opened up a moment later on deck five, and they made their way down the corridor to a door labeled simply "landing ramp." Salvek entered his access code, and the door hissed, rotating outward and down to the ground below.

"Welcome home, Zanh Liis." Salvek said softly.

TC and the EMH guided the antigrav cart down the ramp, where a team of Bajoran doctors had assembled to receive her.

"Welcome to Bajor." The lead doctor said. "I am Demalla Tem, Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery, and I have been assigned to this patient. Let's get her into surgery right away. Who speaks as next of kin for the Captain?”

“I do.” Jariel replied, his voice unsteady. He had really come to hate that phrase. “I am Vedek Jariel Camen. She is my," his words ceased, but no more were needed.

At the back of the assembled crowd, Fleur Le Marc felt as if she was going to be sick at the sound of his words.

“Vedek,” the woman’s voice took on a tone of reverence, “I will speak with you again in a moment, please forgive the delay but,” She scanned the crowd quickly. “Which one of you is called Salvek?"

"I am." Salvek stepped forward.

"There are some people from Starfleet here who wish to speak to you and your crew. They are waiting inside."

"Well then let's get a move on shall we, time’s a wastin'." The EMH chimed in, wishing to get Zanh Liis inside with all due haste.

The group proceeded. Once inside, a large Starfleet officer wearing the gold uniform of the security department and a phaser on his belt stood up from a bench at the entrance. He tapped his combadge. "They have arrived."

A door opened further down the corridor, and the area was suddenly flooded with Starfleet security.

"Whoa, who ordered the welcoming committee?" Reece asked, thinking this committee looked anything but welcoming.

"What is the meaning of this?" Salvek asked.

"Sir, I'm Lieutenant Anderson, Starfleet Security. You and your crew have been recalled to Earth for immediate debriefing. Please come with us." Anderson dropped his hand to his side, where his phaser waited.

"I outrank you Lieutenant, therefore you have no standing to give me an order."

Anderson nodded to one of his men, who handed Salvek a PADD. "Encoded orders from Admiral Jonas Vox, stating we are to bring the Alchemy and her crew to Earth. Sorry sir, but I very much do have the authority to give you an order in this case."

"Any chance you yellow shirts can argue over there to make way for the lady on the verge of death, or is that asking to much?" The EMH inquired with obvious irritation.

"The Bajoran male can stay. The rest of you must come with me."

TC spoke up, "I bet your orders don't cover me." Blane had not been part of the original crew that left to find Zanh Liis, and he was betting for that reason this Admiral Vox may not have known to include him in his orders. "I'm Lt. Commander TC Blane."

Anderson looked at the PADD and then with a frown, he ordered his men to move aside to allow TC through. TC joined Camen, the EMH, the stasis chamber and the Bajoran doctors on the opposite side of the corridor.

The remaining crew of the Alchemy was now completely surrounded by Starfleet security.

"Looks like we're going to Earth." February announced.

"One moment, please," Salvek insisted. His eyes actually reflected something akin to panic at the thought of leaving Liis' side before she disappeared through the doors leading to a surgical suite. "I must see the Captain safely through to her final destination."

"You have, Salvek," Kellyn whispered softly, her hand taking hold of his arm.

"Don't worry, Commander," TC assured the Vulcan. "Anyone who tries to get to the Captain between here and surgery will have to deal with Jariel and I. Right, Jariel?"

Jariel nodded, and he extended his hand toward Salvek. He shook the Salvek's hand thankfully, and he looked each member of the rescue team in the eyes one last time. "I cannot thank you all enough," he said softly. "But I know that the Captain will be thanking you herself, as soon as she can."

"Walk with the Prophets, Vedek Jariel." Kellyn spoke, when no one else could.

"Very sweet. Let's go!" The EMH demanded, "The meter’s runnin’!"

"We'll let you know as soon as there is news." TC promised, as he and Jariel hurried to follow the team of doctors moving Zanh's chamber down the hall.

"Now, Sir," Lt. Anderson moved forward another step. "You are all considered temporarily relieved of duty until we reach Earth. You will be quite comfortable with the amenities aboard the Admiral's ship, and have all the time that you need en route to recover from your trying mission."

"Good. We could use the rest." Micah Samson believed he was speaking the words that everyone else was thinking, but no one wanted to say.

"There's only one thing more," Anderson warned. "You are to consider yourselves sequestered, into any family groups that may exist here among your crew, until we get to Earth."

"Why?" Kellyn thought something about that sounded off.

"So that no one accidentily. . .contaminates the information concerning your experiences before you give your statements in person to the Admiral."

*They want to be sure the story is straight, * February thought to Dabin. *They don't want us getting together to rewrite history. *

"But how will we find out about the Captain's progress?" Reece objected.

"We will allow Commander Salvek the ability to receive updates from Bajor, and we will pass on a prescreened message to the rest of you. I assure you, this has nothing to do with any of you individually, it is just the protocol that we have been instructed to follow. Because the Admiral could not be here himself to debrief you immediately."

"Who is in command of his ship, then?" Salvek asked suspiciously. "Before I voluntarily release the Alchemy into your care for the journey back to Earth, I must speak to him."

"Admiral Bryce," Anderson replied. "I would be happy to take you to him now, Sir."

"Very well."

Lair Arie had been hiding silently behind her mother all this time, frightened by the sight of Starfleet officers with weapons drawn, surrounding the group.

"Father," she spoke up softly, tugging his sleeve. "I am frightened for you."

"Do not be, Arie. I will join you in our quarters shortly." Salvek promised. He addressed his crew one last time before they were to be separated.

"You have all shown yourselves to be courageous, loyal, and diligent in the performance of your duties." He declared. "My report will be favorable, to you all."

He nodded to Kellyn, and she back to him, as the guards escorted her and the rest of the crew down the corridor in the opposite direction from Salvek.

"What is the name of this boat, anyway?" Reece asked the man leading them onward.

"The Admiral's ship is called USS Executor."

"Hmm." Reece frowned. "I don't like the sound of that. Executor has very distinct definitions, as a word. Has to do with wills . . . and dying . . . and stuff."

"It also has to do with getting things done," The man countered, as he tapped his combadge and spoke into it. "Tyson to Executor. We are ready to begin transport.”

[We are to beam your party up in groups of six, Lieutenant.]

“Wait! Wait!” Arie pleaded, her small voice shrill and urgent. “We have to get the animals off of the Alchemy!” her chin quivered, her large brown eyes threatening tears.

“That’s right. I’m not going anywhere without my cat.” February folded her arms obstinately. “He’s part of our “family group.”

Tyson sighed.

“And Bob!” Arie insisted. “We can’t forget Bob! He won’t survive the trip back to Earth unless someone takes care of him.”

“Who,” Tyson snarled, “Is Bob?”

“He belongs to Captain Zanh,” Reece warned. “So unless you want to have to explain to one very exacting and dangerous Bajoran woman why her pet is dead, you’d better do as the little woman says.”

Commander Salvek
First Officer
USS Alchemy NX-53099

Lt. Commander Lair
Chief Engineer
USS Alchemy NX-53099