5: Tal Shiar Ruse

Tal Shiar Ruse
by Commander Salvek
Following: Going All In Part Four
-Aboard the USS Alchemy, in Ferengi Space-

"Tal Shiar uniform? What is going on down there?" Lair Kellyn asked. She followed him into the ready room where the nearest replicator was located.

"I do not know, but February's request sounded urgent. I will find out when I arrive." Salvek stepped to the replicator. "Computer access measurements for Commander Salvek and the Romulan database. Replicate one uniform consistent with a Tal Shiar operative in my size."

The computer beeped, and produced a shirt, then the pants and the boots.

"I need to change, can you work on the disruptor?"

"I can't promise it's going to be anything more then a shell on this short notice. I'm not going to be able to come up with a power source this fast."

Kellyn stepped up to the replicator and requested the weapon. Salvek removed his Starfleet uniform and began pulling on the Romulan clothes. Kellyn grinned as she snuck a quick peek out of the corner of her eye. She picked up the weapon and opened the casing. It looked like there would be enough room for what she was planning.

Kellyn retrieved his communicator from his shirt, tapped it to open a channel, and slid it inside the disruptor casing.

"Here, the channel is open. You won't be able to shoot anything but at least we can hear you if you need help."

"Thank you my wife. How do I look." Kellyn looked over his outfit. The Romulan style was so much different then their Vulcan cousins, despite how similar the two races were.

"You look.... too stoic. February needs a Romulan or she would have asked for a Vulcan. You are going to have to let loose your emotions, or at least put on a good act." Salvek had done this before, in the past when he had been surgically altered to appear Bajoran. He knew exactly what she meant.

"What do you know, Bajoran?" He asked, his brow furrowing. "Let me conduct my own affairs and you may conduct yours."

"Now that sounds more like a paranoid xenophobe with a superiority complex. The Tal Shiar would be pleased." She placed her hand on his chest, and kissed him on the cheek. "Don't lose those clothes when you come back, they are kind of cute on you."

"As you are so fond of pointing out, everything I wear makes me look 'cute'."

"True enough, come on, we need to get you to the transporter room. I'll be on the bridge with the channel open. We need a code word if you need help. How about something simple like 'points', for your ears. Say the word and I'll be there phaser in hand. Sorry I can't offer you more then that, but at the moment I'm going to be the only senior officer left on the ship which I guess makes me chief of security for now."

"I have no fear of your ability to handle a phaser or effect a rescue."

"I'm not sure how to take that. Good luck, my husband."

"Thank you, my wife."

Kellyn tapped the controls, and Salvek disappeared, bound for a meeting with February and Dabin. As for who else may be there, he didn't know what to expect.

Commander Salvek

First Officer

USS Serendipity NCC-2012
