169: Sharper Than A Serpent’s Tooth

By Ensigns Dalca and Andraste
Time: Almost Four Years Ago

= Aboard the USS Ganymede =

Xanthe Andraste, Ardana’s Representative to the Federation Council and the first daughter of the High Advisor of Stratos, marched through the halls of the USS Ganymede. A small security detail composed of young Starfleet officers trailed behind her, trying not to step on the train of her elaborate red gown.

“...and then she just closed the channel,” the Councilor exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air. She was a severe looking woman, human to all appearances, with the map of the world just beginning to form upon her face. Her hazel eyes, however, were still animated and full of life, betraying an inexhaustible energy that had persisted despite the unceasing march of time against her youth. “And while I was in the middle of a sentence. The nerve of that girl. That is simply not a done thing. No civilized creature treats their parents in that manner. Do you treat your mother that way, Cadet Dholka? No, of course not. No one does. I tell you, I have never had an easy time with that vile girl. Ever since she was young, she kept running and jumping around. There was no way to control her.”

“My condolences, Madame Councilor,” the young man offered politely, allowing himself to fall a little further behind. "I have heard that sometimes, what you can't control, you can only hope to redirect." He wanted to get further away, but the rest of the security detail had already put some distance between themselves and the diplomat. Without backup, his escape plan was forfeit. He shot the other security guards a dirty look.

"What does that mean?" Andraste snapped, swirling around to face the young man with such speed that it was a miracle she did not trip over her own flowing red gown, "Is that a Starfleet thing? I have to tell you, Cadet Dobla, I do not like Starfleet. They're always flying around and doing things. I do not approve of that, you know. So I would thank you kindly to keep your military philosophies to yourself. Now...what was I saying?"

*Dalca. Dalca! D-A-L-C-A!*

He inhaled slowly. "Your daughter."

"Ah...yes. She really is a stupid girl. I think she must have somehow inhaled too much zenite. Or maybe it is because she is a hybrid. I have no use for hybrids. Now, I know you're thinking to yourself, why would I produce a hybrid then? Well...it was a most unfortunate matter, you know, and I am ashamed to admit, it really should not have been a done thing. You see...there is really no other way to say this...I married a Betazoid." The Councilor paused after this momentous announcement, as if expecting some kind of reaction from Dalca. It quickly became evident to her, however, that the gravity of her mistake was lost upon him. "My parents, my people, all warned me it was a blunder but...you know how it is with young love."

Warren nodded grimly. "I'm quickly learning," he said under his breath.

"And I have no idea why she is always difficult with me. I was a good mother to the thing. I really was. I even went to great lengths to tie her up. Now don't look so horrified, Cadet Doobka, she was always trouble. She never sat down. And she had a habit of jumping around. Now, mind you, a city in the clouds is good for many things, but not for having children jump around. That often does not end well. The point is that I could have had my servants tie her up - but did I? No. I did it myself. That, you see, is the love a true mother."

* My mother is in an asylum. How are you walking free? *

Dalca stared at her. Why was she still talking to him? He wasn't prepared for this kind of work. He was just supposed to be a shadow, silent and present. A good guard, the kind you weren't supposed to even acknowledge the existence of. "I'm sure she knows you care."

"Really? And how would you know? Have you spoken with her recently? I haven't. Not for more than a few moments anyway."

"I'm afraid I don't know your daughter, ma'am. I’ve simply observed that children know when they are loved, and your sincerity is so very... moving." He could have sworn Gregson was snickering back there.

"Yes," the Councilor agreed thoughtfully, walking away from him very slowly now, "It truly is. One would have to be blind not to see that. And that girl is a lot of things, but she is not blind. She has my eyes, you see. Yes. You’re quite right. All I have to do is make her see...." Mercifully, the woman fell silent for a moment. When she turned back to face him, however, there was a smile on her face that made Dalca rather uncomfortable. "Excellent. That is a very good plan. Thank you for suggesting it."

"I... plan?"

"Yes. My daughter is on her summer vacation on Xalin IV. It isn't very far from here. You are going to hop onto a shuttle, go there, kidnap her and bring her here. That will show her that I am sincere. And, just to thank you, I will tell your commanding officer about this brilliant idea of yours. I am sure he will be very happy."

"K-kidnap... wait, wait! I... don't need the commendation. It would bring... trouble. Ay mia..."

"Thank you, Cadet Doobla. Now, excuse me...but I'm a busy woman. I cannot have you talking my ears off. I'm sure there is a natural disaster somewhere the Council will want Ardana to help with. People really should stop dying. It causes me a great deal of inconvenience. I will see you when you bring my daughter here. Oh...and you will want to be careful. My daughter is not what you would call stable."

*I wonder wh... *

Dalca bit his tongue. "I'll see her home safely." As the woman walked on, he muttered, "Somehow."

Ensign Warren Dalca
Security Officer
USS Serendipity NCC-2012


Ensign Nimue Andraste
Currently a guest aboard the Serendipity