767: Something Amiss

by Vol Tryst and Wren Elton
After In High Places

-=Deck Eleven; USS Serendipity=-

Vol had many things to do now that he was back onboard the Sera.

There were people that he wanted to see and people that wanted to see him. He had many appointments to schedule to see how his patients had fared in his absence, an especially important task considering that the Vedek had also been off ship leading Vol to be concerned about some of his less outgoing patients not seeking help when needed with the two most familiar sources being suddenly lost. After a morning spent dealing with the most crucial tasks he now felt that he’d earned a short break and that it was time for some nice non-replicated tea.

The best place to go on the ship for a non-replicated hot beverage and also to attempt to satisfy his ever present sweet tooth had always been the Afterthought Café, and so he made his way there now. Since Fleur Le Marc had left for Bajor the Café had been out of action until it was taken over by one Wren Elton; this woman intrigued Vol for several reasons. Had there been more time between her arrival and Vol’s departure he would surely have gotten to know her. Well, now he had time. Aside from simply satisfying his curiosity he was certain he would enjoy getting acquainted with the only full Betazoid on board.

As he walked through the door he took in all the slight changes which had taken place in Fleur’s absence; a table moved around, a jar moved from one end of the counter to another. They were the type of changes so small that you had to really look to notice them.

The tables were empty except for a pair of Ensigns sharing one in the corner. You didn’t need to be an empath to tell from the way their eyes met, how closely together they sat and how near and perfectly aligned their lips stayed even when they had no intention of meeting them that they were a couple in the very early stages of love. Perhaps though you did need to be an empath to know just how warming love like that could be to a third party even when they didn’t know the people personally.

Of course they weren’t all that Vol could sense in the café as Wren Elton was hard to miss. She was standing wiping her counter; clearly as warmed by the young love as he was, she stood inauspiciously watching them with a soft smile on her lips. Vol could sense quite a lot from her and she clearly made no attempt to hold anything back.

As he got closer she turned to face him, studying him as he studied her. Placing the cloth she’d been using for wiping the counter on the shelf underneath which she next intended to clean, she waited for Vol to arrive. Vol immediately sensed she was confident, calm and content with a natural grace about her which Vol was sure she was aware of.

“What can I get you?” she asked in an upbeat although not quite chirpy tone, not presuming to attempt telepathic communication even though she sensed the potential for it.

“Passion Fruit Tea would be great if you have it,” he answered.

“That we do,” she replied, as she immediately turned around and set about the task. Looking over her shoulders she asked him, “Any sugar?”

“Four, thanks,” he requested, and she thought how they must share similar tastes. She set the tea to steep and made herself a small note of the number of sugars required.

Turning back to Vol she told him that “It won’t be long,” and he smiled politely in response. Normally he would have moved to a table now as he waited but Wren was clearly not done speaking with him “It’ll give us a time to chat. I can tell you have plenty of things you want to ask me.” she added with a matter-of-fact tone.

"I'm glad you seem willing to, as you put it, 'chat' with me."

"I am. It's nice to..." Wren paused to find the right words, which took no time at all. "...have a familiar mind around. You've been gone for some time."

"Rumor has it that breaks from one's duty are necessary in order to continue to do well." Vol rubbed his face against his palms and fingers before letting his chin rest on his hand.

"Breaks are overrated." Wren said flatly.

"You're telling me."

The two Betazoids smiled. Indeed, being around one of their own kind did bring with it some sort of familiarity and comfort. Wren turned about to finish preparing her patron's tea. She remembered the sugar, and she picked up the mug and set it before Vol. He thanked her, but he did not move from his seat. Instead he looked up at her to continue the conversation.

"How have you been?"

“Oddly comfortable,” she answered “I’m had this idea in my head that life on a starship was full of constant uncertainty.” Uncertainty was something she was quite accustomed to living with. “But if anything, it’s been relaxing.” It really had been; she’d spent a long time as a single parent constantly looking over her shoulder and knowing that she could depend on no one but herself, if that.

Now she was managing a stable business, had a room for which rent was no concern and had someone she could really count on. This place was an incredible relief for her and Vol could feel it.

"The Café seems to be treating you nicely."

“It is." Although baking wasn’t her strong suit, she did enjoy this job. “Business is good and the hours suit me. But I’m sure you’ve got more pressing questions on your mind than that,” she watched him expectantly.

"I would like to ask, if you don't mind." Vol held his breath, realized he was jumping ahead of himself, and mentally backed up so as to give context to what he was about to ask.

"The Captain supplied me with a summary of some of the goings-on on the ship since my departure, a dull moment seems extinct on this vessel. But, what's not included in the Captain's summary is an insight that I believe only you can give me. How has been the emotional state of the crew, anything I might want to know?"

Wren was busy cleaning things behind the counter, but though she never looked up from what she was doing, she was listening intently. She slowed for a moment as the Counselor finished his sentence, before resuming wiping down the espresso bar. Wren thought she was sensing something peculiar from the Counselor, but she ignored it for the time being.

“Well, I try not to pry,” she answered over her shoulder, it was a half truth in that she did put the effort in; just not much of it. “But the best word I can use to describe the feeling amongst the crew would be anxious. First the ship was diverted on a mission with information among the crew on a need to know basis. It bothered some people out of the loop a bit and seemed to bother the people in the loop a lot but at the end of the day they seemed to take it in their stride.”

“It was a dangerous mission but they’re a fact of life on a ship like this,” Vol observed. “When did things change? When the Romulans attacked?”

“Not immediately,” Wren answered “It was when word started to spread about a Commander Briggs taking command that things started to get tense. People didn’t know him and so they didn’t trust him. It wasn’t until the chain of command was returned to normal that people seemed to calm down.”

“Was there anyone specific having problems I should know about?” Vol asked, taking a swig from his cup.

“Not that I can think of." She did know that this mission had been pretty tough on Rada, but thought that if he had any problems she’d be able to deal with them. “Is there someone specific or some specific problem you want to know about?”

“No,” Vol replied and there was that peculiar thing again. He finished his drink, thanked Wren with a curt nod and a partial bow, and then headed straight out of the Café. All the while, Wren's eyes buried into his back.

She muddled over what she was sensing, and kept dismissing and revaluating her conclusion over and over again. It was absurd. A Betazoid's senses were always keen, but this was just impossible.

A Betazoid keeping something a secret was unheard of.

Let alone lying.

Wren Elton
Manager, Afterthought Café
USS Serendipity NCC-2012


Ensign Vol Tryst
Ship's Counselor
USS Serendipity NCC-2012