by Zander Blakeslee
Following Affirmation
Following Affirmation
Zander stood in front of the mirror examining his attire for the wedding which was both simple and plain. It was nothing.
He turned sideways and checked his reflection again. He nodded satisfied that his workouts had been effective in keeping his physic lean and trim. He was more comfortable then most in being nude. His time spent on Delta IV had trimmed his humility and he was confident in his own body.
He made his way over to the bed and donned a white silk robe with black symbols emblazed on the hem. It was his honorary robe that he wore when on official business for the Deltan government.
Even though he was human his marriage to what could be considered Deltan royalty afforded him certain privileges such as dual citizenship. Another of those privileges was being made Ambassador to the federation council. Not that he was filling that role these days as he had set aside being ambassador to the Federation in favor of resuming his Starfleet career.
This was not an inconvenience since Deltan titles are held for life or until they are given up by those who hold them. This sometimes caused confusion as to who was supposed to be doing the job but it also offered the ultimate redundancy. Zander returning to Starfleet simply allowed one of the other ambassadors to return.
So today he figured that Starfleet would be well represented at the wedding so he would make use of his title and represent the Deltan people at the ceremony.
He tied the silk robe closed and then looked once again into the mirror to adjust it.
"Well it might tradition to be nude at the wedding but until I get there I wearing this." He said to no one in particular.
Just then there was a knock on the door. Zander made his way over to it and opened the portal.
On the other side was a porter holding a package with the symbol of the Deltan government on it.
"This just arrived for you. It is marked urgent so we are bring it right up." The porter announced.
Zander smiled broadly. "Alright! It got here in time!" He reached out and practically snatched the package away from the man. "Thanks!"
The porter nodded, turned and walked off.
Zander turned kicking the door shut with his foot and quickly made his way over to the bed and gently set the package down on its soft suface.
He gently unwrapped the plain brown paper to reveal a long square metal container. Engraved on the top was the symbol of his in-laws family.
* Man, I hope it arrived intact. * He thought to himself as he broke open the four seals holding the upper and lower half's.
He lifted up the upper section to reveal a dark wine bottle that was safely held in place by thick foam padding. Setting the top of the container on the bed he gentle lifted the bottle from its snug resting place and inspected it both with his eyes and his hands.
Finding the bottle intact and unharmed he let out a long sigh. It was Deltan wine from his own wife's family winery. The Wej family winery was known throughout the galaxy for their fine wine. The beverage is popular because of the unique brewing technique that imbues Deltan pheromones into the alcohol. Needless to say the final product is euphoric and expensive.
A perfect gift for newlyweds.
He gently returned the bottle to the protective container and resealed it.
He then proceeded to decorate the container with wedding paper wrap, ribbon, and bows that he had picked up earlier in the day. When he completed the task he picked up wrapped gift and took one more look into the mirror. The robe looked good but it would not be staying on. He hoped it would not wrinkle.
He put his badge onto the inside of his uniform and then made his way to the door. It was time to head down to the wedding.
He figured it would be a revealing event to say the least.
Commander Zander Blakeslee
Chief of Security and Tactical
USS Serendipity/Alchemy
Chief of Security and Tactical
USS Serendipity/Alchemy