349: Duly Noted

by Zanh Liis and Vol Tryst
Following There Was A Time

-=USS Serendipity=-

Standing in the hall just outside of the quarters of Keiran O'Sullivan, Zanh Liis paced.

She had waited until this late hour, after the fuss from the fight had died down at last and all involved had retired for the evening, to make this visit.

Keiran's injuries from the fight had been treated in Sickbay hours ago by this point. He had also been given a hypo to speed along the process of sobering him up.

Now all Liis was awaiting was the exit of Vol Tryst from O'Sullivan's room. Then she would go in and ask him the question she had asked him this morning one more time.

"Captain." Vol was surprised, and concerned at the sight of her.

He swallowed, hard, as he had not intended to confront her until much later.

"You should be asleep by now." A gently nagging tone punctuated the Counselor's words, but Zanh did not take offense. Everyone on board knew that she was out of her mind with exhaustion; she looked like hell. He was only doing his job to try to put in his opinion that sleep definitely couldn't hurt her and could possibly even help.

*If only the dreams would stop,* Liis thought. *Then I'd be content to sleep for the next century.*

"I'll go, Vol. I promise. I just have to," she reached up and twisted the chain of her earring nervously. "How is he?"

"Captain Zanh," Vol hesitated. She was in no condition for news of this sort.

"How. Is. He." Liis repeated each word slowly and as a sentence of its own, in the tone that told anyone listening that she expected their attention and their answer without further delay.

"I believe that he is suffering from a delusional state of psychosis. Dr. Breaux has been unable to determine any chemical imbalance which may be causing this, or damage to the brain upon scanning him. However there are increased activity levels in certain areas of the brain controlling-"

"Memory." Zanh concluded for him. Vol sensed the emotional distress in Zanh as a physical sensation, and he shuddered.

"Yes, but how did you,"

"I have to speak with him." Zanh moved to march past the security officers standing sentry, stiff and still as tin soldiers on either side of Keiran's door.

"I would strongly recommend against that," Vol objected, gently placing a firm hand upon Zanh's arm. "He's under suicide watch, Captain, and he has stopped making any sense at all. To see him will only upset you."

"I'm his Captain," Zanh replied firmly, slowly extricating her arm from Vol's grasp. "I will not walk away."

"I do not object because you are his captain," Vol advised, "though the idea of his captain seeing him this way is incredibly upsetting to Keiran, that's not the problem I have with it." He allowed her to process each word a moment before continuing. "The problem I have with it, Captain, is that his delusions all for some reason appear to be centered upon you."


"You." Vol stated simply. "You, Zanh Liis, are the center of the delusions which have taken him over. I think it best if you,"

"Step aside," Zanh commanded, pushing past Vol and giving each of the security officers her most glaring stare.

"I'm sorry, Captain, but Commander Salvek,"

"Commander Salvek can go to hell." Zanh blurted, most uncharacteristically directing anger at Salvek, because on some level she knew it was safe for her to do so. Even if he'd heard her make the suggestion himself, he would never retaliate.

"Either get out of my way or get off of my ship." Zanh jerked her head to the side. "We're far from home, boys. It's going to be a hell of a walk."

Vol locked his jaw, displeased with the Bajoran's stubbornness. Resisting to let her by.

"You're disapproval is noted Counselor." Zanh said, the tension building. "But I warn you, do not make me ask you again,"

As the door closed behind her, Vol sighed and folded his arms, leaning against the wall. "First sign of noise," he ordered the security detail, "break down the door."

-=/\=-Zanh Liis
Commanding Officer
USS Serendipity NCC-2012


Ensign Vol Tryst
Ship's Counselor
USS Serendipity NCC-2012