414: A Gathering of Friends

by Vol Tryst and Zanh Liis
Awhile after Plans Afoot

-=Dining Hall, USS Alchemy=-

"The representation of the couple to be wed as they appear on this cake is not historically true to the Betazoid tradition."

"No?" Fleur feigned innocence, as she set up a stack of plates beside the cake she had finished earlier. Somehow she had managed to pull herself together despite all that had happened today so she could complete the task at hand.

Additionally, as heartbroken as she was, she had no intention of letting the evening go by without at least looking at Camen once across the room- in that look reassuring him that no matter what Zanh Liis did or did not do in the future- her love for him was certain.

"Yes." Lair Arie announced, surveying the plastic man and woman with what could only be described as clinical Vulcan-ness. "They are clothed."

The lively debate continued between the child/woman and the woman/child, but one man couldn't tell there was even a disagreement, let alone what it was about. Vol, the Betazoid man and husband-to-be, was anywhere but the crew dining hall on the Alchemy.

Realizing he'd wandered off in thought once more, Vol shook his head and brought himself back to the present. He needed to cease thinking so much, as the emotions attached to such thoughts would hinder his empathic abilities. Then again, this was shore leave, maybe he should just dive in and enjoy the conflictions as they were.

"Doctor Tryst, does it, or does it not bother you?" Lair Arie inquired once more. "The inaccuracy of the portrayal of the couple upon this cake?"

The little girl took it so seriously that Vol had to stifle a laugh. She was the perfect study of conflict; Bajoran passion, and Vulcan logic.

"In fact," Vol began as he bent his knees as to speak to the child at roughly the same height. "It is not ordinarily a Betazoid custom to have the couple depicted in this manner atop of a cake at all. That Miss Le Marc bothered to do so in the first place is very flattering, and I thank her for it."

Lair tilted her head slightly, looked back at Fleur, and than back up at the cake. She seemed to be resistant to accept such an answer, but as this was the man who ultimately had the final say, she couldn't find anymore words to contradict him.

Quickly the room filled up with people. Congratulatory handshakes were exchanged, and flutes of synthaholic champagne were being passed around.

Given recent events, alien intervention or no alien intervention, the Captain wasn't taking any chances. This time they were aboard the Alchemy- and there was no margin for error with the prototype. She prohibited any consumption among the crew of the 'real thing' until arrival on planet.

Vol sipped at his own drink, as he stared at the figurines atop of the wedding cake. Behind the miniatures was a window that looked out into the direction the Alchemy was headed; home to this one Betazoid. Vol sighed almost inaudibly, but deeply, he could remember only one other time he'd have reservations such as this when returning to Betazed. That was when he had to face his father, and tell him that his younger son had been wrong.

Salvek looked around the room once more for the Captain, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Realizing that it fell to him to make the toast then, he accepted a glass, thanked Fleur, and then moved to the center of the room.

"On this momentous occasion it is my honor to salute the promotions of two members of our distinguished crew, Mr. Dengar and Mr. Blakeslee..." he saluted each formally with his glass, "We celebrate this milestone with you and thank you for your fine service to your crew, Captain, and to Starfleet."

"Here, here," TC Blane said, as he swept in the door and procured a glass for himself to join in the toast.

The crew raised their glasses and toasted Dengar and Blakeslee. Then, Salvek turned his attention to Vol Tryst, who had broken from his interior monologue long enough to offer his attention to the event, which was also in his honor.

"Ship's Counselor Tryst, you are about to embark on what will truly be the journey of a lifetime. As a married man myself, I can only tell you that the rewards of such a relationship, when it is well tended, are beyond compare."

Kellyn beamed at Salvek from across the room, amazed by the choice he'd made to show so much of himself in his words, even though only to this most intimate gathering of the Sera's senior officers.

"I wish you every good reward and," Salvek paused, "every happiness that such a union can bestow."

"Yay VOL!" Arie clapped her hands together joyfully, anxious for her father to finish so that she could have a piece of the cake which grew more tempting to her by the minute. "Happy wedding!"

Vol smiled thankfully, nodding to the XO, but did not say a word. After taking a gulp of his drink, he held it close to him with both hands. After an awkward pause Vol finally decided that he would receive Salvek's words admirably.

"If my wife and I can make our marriage seem as blessed as your own Commander, I will consider myself a very fortunate man."

At the back of the room, Zanh Liis now quietly appeared. She moved to the replicator and requested a glass of sparkling water. She didn't drink champagne, not even the synthaholic sort.

She held her flute level, ready to join in the toast but not wanting to steal Salvek's moment.

Someone spotted her, and hushed whispers rose around the room that the Captain was present. Everyone turned to look at her, and Liis felt a lump form in her throat. She felt so much honest concern and care radiating from her crew, she was overwhelmed.

Across the room Jariel had been staring down at the top of the corner table he occupied, alone, as all the talk of weddings and the rewards of love made his chest ache.

He looked up, and before seeing Liis he saw Fleur. The look in her eyes caused his cheeks to glow crimson, and he returned his eyes to the tabletop.

"Have you anything to add, Captain?" Salvek asked softly.

"Only that few commanding officers are ever blessed to work with one man the caliber of a..." Liis walked into the middle of the room, clapping a hand on the shoulder of each man she now mentioned by name in turn. "...Rada Dengar, or a Zander Blakeslee, or a Vol Tryst."

She smiled proudly at each, the first sincerely truthful smile she'd offered anyone in days. "I get you all. How lucky am I?" Still uncharacteristically emotional, she felt tears forming in her eyes and stepped away. She raised her glass high. "To what is, simply, the damn finest crew in the fleet."

'Here here's' went up around the room, and Liis' eyes were locked on Vol's as he nodded politely and sipped at his faux champagne.

*Something is going on with that kid,* she thought.

"Wait," A youthful voice spoke now from the back of the hall.

It was Dane.

He held his glass up high over the crowd. "To those who no longer walk the halls, but who will always stand beside us."

His words hung heavy in the air. Liis' eyes focused on Dane, who was staring at her with an absolutely chilling, yet molten hatred as he concluded his toast. "To Keiran O'Sullivan."

As the rest of the crew began to echo Dane's tribute and saluted their missing comrade, the smile on Liis' face melted away. She did her absolute best to instantaneously paste it back on.

TC Blane stared at her intently. Salvek held his breath, and Jariel felt the knife twist in his stomach again as they all awaited the captain's reaction.

She gave them very little.

"To O'Sullivan." She echoed, and she clinked her glass against Vol's.

The clink was a stiff one, on the part of the Counselor's as well due to the fact that the Captain's emotions were felt strongly by the groom to-be. Vol made a silent wish that he'd be able to talk to the Captain about recent events before reaching Betazed.


Ensign Vol Tryst
Ship's Counselor
USS Serendipity/Alchemy


-=/\=-Zanh Liis
USS Serendipity/Alchemy