by Dabin Reece
Following Everybody's a Comedian and Mouse no More
--=Starfleet Command Guest Quarters=--
Dabin had barely had time to shower and change, when February shuffled through the doors of their temporary quarters and collapsed onto the couch.
It had been a long, often times seemingly pointless debriefing by Starfleet.
While they had been questioned and in the end tested, oddly they were asked nothing about the actual rescue mission they had just completed. Instead, the Admiral was content with their written reports on the matter, and took the time to query them along different lines entirely before finally giving them their new orders to join the crew of the USS Serendipity.
"See, I told you it was totally false advertising." Dabin said, as he came out of the bedroom and saw Bru had arrived. "I bet no one even took off their briefs, did they?"
"An appropriate metaphor if you ask me, because it sure felt like they did. Can you rub my neck?"
"Sure." Bru turned to the side and Dabin sat next to her, digging his thumbs into the knots in her shoulders. "Got any idea what you want for dinner?"
"Sleep with a side of Zs."
"Look on the bright side, Bru. At least it's all over, the Captain is getting better and should be here in a few days, and the entire planet Earth is our oyster."
"I hate oysters."
Dabin released his grip from her shoulders and her head slumped back against him.
"How about the entire planet Earth is our playground?"
"That sounds much better."
Dabin slid out from underneath her and disappeared back into the bedroom. He returned with a PADD.
"What if I told you..." He began, handing it to her, "That rather than sitting here in this depressing Starfleet room for the next couple days, I got us reservations at the one and only Grand Floridian Resort and Spa at Walt Disney World?"
February looked at the picture on the display. "I'd say that was very sweet of you, but I have no idea what that is."
Dabin looked like he had been shot. "You're kidding? Look, I know you didn't exactly grow up in these parts.... but come on."
"Should I have? And I did grow up in these parts."
"Should you have? Should you have?" He asked incredulously. "The Magic Kingdom? The Studios? Animal Universe? None of this is ringing a bell is it?”
"Nope." February's eyes fluttered shut, as sleep began to overtake her.
"Well, OK then. You can either stay here and fall asleep, or you can come with me on an adventure to a paradise of joy and happiness unparalleled in the known galaxy. I'm cool either way."
February lay still for a moment, thinking how nice it would be to just not move and take a nap right now. But she just couldn't resist the eagerness in his voice. A smile spread across her face, and as tired as she was, she still managed to crack one eye open.
"Adventure." She said groggily.
"WOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTT! Throw some stuff together. Oh wait, I already did!" Dabin ran into the bedroom and ran back out with her big pink duffle.
"Okay, I'm coming." February pulled herself back up off the couch and straightened her uniform. "I look like hell."
"No, what you look like is a Starfleet officer. Here." He tossed her a pair of capris and a tank top. "Come on Bru, the transporter hub awaits."
February hurried to change while Dabin gathered up their bags, and then they made their way to the hub.
A few moments later they stood on a large elevated train platform before two long rails, with a large group of people crowded in behind them.
February looked around, confused. This did not look like any hotel she had ever seen. But the weather was warm, a welcome change from the currently cold, damp air they'd left behind in San Francisco.
"This doesn't look like the photo you showed me." She said skeptically.
"Oh, Bru, you can't just transport into Disney World. You have to take their transportation system, just like they did it almost 400 years ago when this place opened. They've gone to great lengths to keep everything authentic. Yeah, a lot of stuff changes over time but the overall experience has been kept the same. They say it’s for ambiance, I say it’s for crowd control, but either way, you will love the ride."
A man dressed as some sort of pilot waved Bru and Dabin to a gate. Dabin looked to his left and saw the next monorail coming. "Look!"
February turned her head and saw a large, white sleek train with a blue stripe down the side. The monorail stopped with its doors right in front of Bru, and the doors slid open. She stepped inside and took a seat on the bench. As she did she noticed that a voice was giving instructions in many various languages, amplified through speakers overhead.
>Please stand clear of the doors. Por favor, manténganse alejado de las puertas. qep'a' loSDIch.<
She tuned it out as the Klingon blended into what seemed to be Vulcan.
Dabin sat down on the bench next to Bru and wrapped his arm around her. He squeezed her tight and enjoyed the look on her face as she lit up with curiosity, looking at sights to her left and right as the monorail went into motion. She looked out over the water and all the palm trees and felt warm inside for the first time in she didn't know how long.
"First we are going to stop at the Polynesian Resort, it’s a hotel themed for the island nations of Earth. Someday we'll get a room there and you'll eat pineapple till you explode. But for your first trip, I'm going to take you right to the top."
The monorail pulled up to a large brown platform and several people got up and left. February craned her neck to see inside the hotel.
"You're so quiet Bru. You liking this?"
"I'm speechless." She said sincerely. "Its so beautiful."
The monorail once again began to move, and the overhead voice spoke once more.
[Welcome aboard. Our next stop is Walt Disney's Grand Floridian Resort and Spa. Across the lagoon you'll see the Contemporary Resort.]
February looked across the water at the large A-frame shaped building.
[The resort was built for the original opening of the park, and was dwarfed 35 years later by the construction of a Vacation Club resort. As the capacity of the resort became overwhelmed, the board of directors came to realize their mistake and the Vacation Club tower was demolished to restore the Contemporary Resort to its original majesty on the monorail loop. The garden wing resort rooms were rebuilt to their original design, many even using room modules that had been spared from demolition. The Garden Wings have stood proudly once again for the last 300 plus years, as Walt Disney intended they always should.]
February admired the building from afar, and wondered how anyone could have even been foolish enough to tamper with the simply beauty of the place.
"You think that's beautiful, you ain't seen anything yet, girlfriend." Reece snapped his fingers and pointed out along the track at what was ahead.
Coming up on their right, February first saw the bright orange-red roofs of the Grand Floridian, then the white balconies underneath that were each part of one of the resorts rooms. The buildings seemed to go on forever, with the main building they approached rising above all the others.
"No way." She said with amazement.
"Cha!" Dabin laughed, borrowing one of Bru's terms. The monorail slid gracefully into the station, and he took February by the hand, guiding her out onto the platform. She turned and looked at the monorail, watching it pull out of its hold, as it disappeared around the corner to sites unknown.
"That was a great ride. What can top that?" February asked, wondering what else he had in store for her.
They walked hand in hand to the entrance of the building.
"Wow." February said in awe, as they walked to the railing overlooking the main lobby below.

A giant chandelier hung from the ceiling above, and below people milled about in a sea of red, white and gold carpeting and furniture. On the far side of the lobby a man was playing a grand piano, and the sound wafted up through the building, seemingly coming at you from all sides.
"That's the Grand Staircase," Dabin said, pointing out steps to their right. He walked her in that direction and they stepped slowly down the steps. There were families from all corners of the galaxy milling about below.
"Are those Breen? And Romulans?" February asked, surprised at some of the species she saw.
"There are no political divides here, Bru. The man who founded this place intended for everyone to be welcome here. This is probably the only place in the galaxy where everyone is equal. Here, the front desk."
A young Terran woman dressed in era-appropriate garb beckoned February and Dabin to her station.
"Welcome to the Grand Floridian, my name is Suzette. James will be happy to help you with your bags."
"Careful with those dude, I got goodies in this one." Dabin warned, as he handed the Terran man his rather large duffel. He couldn’t help but note the way this James guy looked at the girl behind the desk.
*Wow, could it be any more obvious those two like each other?* Dabin thought to February. She giggled.
"Room 103, Sugarloaf Lodge." The woman at the desk said to the bellman. "Can I see your reservation please?" Dabin handed her the PADD with his information on it. She double checked it with her computer and handed them each a keycard as well.
"Your park passes are on your keys. Please enjoy your stay. Just give us a call up here if you have any questions. Have a Grand day!"
"Park pass?" Bru asked as they left the desk, following the bellman.
"Patience, my sweet, you will see." Dabin grinned with glee, thoroughly enjoying every moment of introducing February to this place.
As they left the main building, February saw the swimming pools and the interior grounds for the first time. There were fresh-planted flowers almost everywhere, and she couldn't help but think how much Jariel Camen would love this place. Probably more to work at, though, then to stay at.
The bellman led them to the building next to the main building. Dabin swiped his access card at the door and they were allowed inside. This building was as beautiful as the first, though quite a bit smaller.

"You are right on the first floor." James said, as he led them around the corner to their room. Dabin opened the door, and February walked inside, flopping down on the bed with a grin on her face.
"You sure know how to spoil a girl, Dabin Reece."
"Well you've been spoiling me for awhile now, you have earned it."
"Enjoy your stay. The concierge is in the lobby and can get you anything you need. Of course you have the replicator, but with all the dining options here, no one ever uses them." James placed their bags at the foot of the bed. Dabin thanked him, and the man took his leave of them.
"I really think I'm going to enjoy this resort." February said. "When can we go exploring? Sure looks like there are a lot of things to do here."
Dabin chuckled. "You think we are just here for the hotel, don't you?"
*You don't even know about the Magic Kingdom yet.* he thought to her.
*Well you mentioned it earlier but you haven't been letting me poke around in your head to see what all the fuss is about.*
*We have a few hours till our dinner reservations back here, so let us go see about our Magic Kingdom.*
February sat up on the bed motioned with one finger for him to come closer. Dabin walked up to her and leaned down. She placed her hand on the back of his head and kissed him deeply. "Thanks for bringing me here."
"You can thank me later. I'll meet you in the lobby, go on ahead and check out the goodies the concierge has. I just need to fix my hair." Dabin pretended to poof his hair up, and February laughed.
After she'd closed the door behind her, Dabin opened his largest duffle, and took out a large suit carrier. He unrolled it and removed the contents, placing them in the closet. He slid the closet door shut, zipped his duffle back up, and went to meet Bru in the lobby.
"Fresh baked cookies! OMG Dabin do you see these!"
"I told you you'd love it here." Dabin snatched a chocolate chip cookie with a piece of tissue paper and began to nibble. "Are we ready?"
"Just one more cookie."
Dabin stopped her hand as she reached for another, and said four words to her. "Hand churned ice cream."
"Forget the cookie."
It had been a long, often times seemingly pointless debriefing by Starfleet.
While they had been questioned and in the end tested, oddly they were asked nothing about the actual rescue mission they had just completed. Instead, the Admiral was content with their written reports on the matter, and took the time to query them along different lines entirely before finally giving them their new orders to join the crew of the USS Serendipity.
"See, I told you it was totally false advertising." Dabin said, as he came out of the bedroom and saw Bru had arrived. "I bet no one even took off their briefs, did they?"
"An appropriate metaphor if you ask me, because it sure felt like they did. Can you rub my neck?"
"Sure." Bru turned to the side and Dabin sat next to her, digging his thumbs into the knots in her shoulders. "Got any idea what you want for dinner?"
"Sleep with a side of Zs."
"Look on the bright side, Bru. At least it's all over, the Captain is getting better and should be here in a few days, and the entire planet Earth is our oyster."
"I hate oysters."
Dabin released his grip from her shoulders and her head slumped back against him.
"How about the entire planet Earth is our playground?"
"That sounds much better."
Dabin slid out from underneath her and disappeared back into the bedroom. He returned with a PADD.
"What if I told you..." He began, handing it to her, "That rather than sitting here in this depressing Starfleet room for the next couple days, I got us reservations at the one and only Grand Floridian Resort and Spa at Walt Disney World?"
February looked at the picture on the display. "I'd say that was very sweet of you, but I have no idea what that is."
Dabin looked like he had been shot. "You're kidding? Look, I know you didn't exactly grow up in these parts.... but come on."
"Should I have? And I did grow up in these parts."
"Should you have? Should you have?" He asked incredulously. "The Magic Kingdom? The Studios? Animal Universe? None of this is ringing a bell is it?”
"Nope." February's eyes fluttered shut, as sleep began to overtake her.
"Well, OK then. You can either stay here and fall asleep, or you can come with me on an adventure to a paradise of joy and happiness unparalleled in the known galaxy. I'm cool either way."
February lay still for a moment, thinking how nice it would be to just not move and take a nap right now. But she just couldn't resist the eagerness in his voice. A smile spread across her face, and as tired as she was, she still managed to crack one eye open.
"Adventure." She said groggily.
"WOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTT! Throw some stuff together. Oh wait, I already did!" Dabin ran into the bedroom and ran back out with her big pink duffle.
"Okay, I'm coming." February pulled herself back up off the couch and straightened her uniform. "I look like hell."
"No, what you look like is a Starfleet officer. Here." He tossed her a pair of capris and a tank top. "Come on Bru, the transporter hub awaits."
February hurried to change while Dabin gathered up their bags, and then they made their way to the hub.
A few moments later they stood on a large elevated train platform before two long rails, with a large group of people crowded in behind them.
February looked around, confused. This did not look like any hotel she had ever seen. But the weather was warm, a welcome change from the currently cold, damp air they'd left behind in San Francisco.
"This doesn't look like the photo you showed me." She said skeptically.
"Oh, Bru, you can't just transport into Disney World. You have to take their transportation system, just like they did it almost 400 years ago when this place opened. They've gone to great lengths to keep everything authentic. Yeah, a lot of stuff changes over time but the overall experience has been kept the same. They say it’s for ambiance, I say it’s for crowd control, but either way, you will love the ride."
A man dressed as some sort of pilot waved Bru and Dabin to a gate. Dabin looked to his left and saw the next monorail coming. "Look!"
February turned her head and saw a large, white sleek train with a blue stripe down the side. The monorail stopped with its doors right in front of Bru, and the doors slid open. She stepped inside and took a seat on the bench. As she did she noticed that a voice was giving instructions in many various languages, amplified through speakers overhead.
>Please stand clear of the doors. Por favor, manténganse alejado de las puertas. qep'a' loSDIch.<
She tuned it out as the Klingon blended into what seemed to be Vulcan.
Dabin sat down on the bench next to Bru and wrapped his arm around her. He squeezed her tight and enjoyed the look on her face as she lit up with curiosity, looking at sights to her left and right as the monorail went into motion. She looked out over the water and all the palm trees and felt warm inside for the first time in she didn't know how long.
"First we are going to stop at the Polynesian Resort, it’s a hotel themed for the island nations of Earth. Someday we'll get a room there and you'll eat pineapple till you explode. But for your first trip, I'm going to take you right to the top."
The monorail pulled up to a large brown platform and several people got up and left. February craned her neck to see inside the hotel.
"You're so quiet Bru. You liking this?"
"I'm speechless." She said sincerely. "Its so beautiful."
The monorail once again began to move, and the overhead voice spoke once more.
[Welcome aboard. Our next stop is Walt Disney's Grand Floridian Resort and Spa. Across the lagoon you'll see the Contemporary Resort.]
February looked across the water at the large A-frame shaped building.
[The resort was built for the original opening of the park, and was dwarfed 35 years later by the construction of a Vacation Club resort. As the capacity of the resort became overwhelmed, the board of directors came to realize their mistake and the Vacation Club tower was demolished to restore the Contemporary Resort to its original majesty on the monorail loop. The garden wing resort rooms were rebuilt to their original design, many even using room modules that had been spared from demolition. The Garden Wings have stood proudly once again for the last 300 plus years, as Walt Disney intended they always should.]
February admired the building from afar, and wondered how anyone could have even been foolish enough to tamper with the simply beauty of the place.
"You think that's beautiful, you ain't seen anything yet, girlfriend." Reece snapped his fingers and pointed out along the track at what was ahead.
Coming up on their right, February first saw the bright orange-red roofs of the Grand Floridian, then the white balconies underneath that were each part of one of the resorts rooms. The buildings seemed to go on forever, with the main building they approached rising above all the others.
"No way." She said with amazement.
"Cha!" Dabin laughed, borrowing one of Bru's terms. The monorail slid gracefully into the station, and he took February by the hand, guiding her out onto the platform. She turned and looked at the monorail, watching it pull out of its hold, as it disappeared around the corner to sites unknown.
"That was a great ride. What can top that?" February asked, wondering what else he had in store for her.
They walked hand in hand to the entrance of the building.
"Wow." February said in awe, as they walked to the railing overlooking the main lobby below.

A giant chandelier hung from the ceiling above, and below people milled about in a sea of red, white and gold carpeting and furniture. On the far side of the lobby a man was playing a grand piano, and the sound wafted up through the building, seemingly coming at you from all sides.
"That's the Grand Staircase," Dabin said, pointing out steps to their right. He walked her in that direction and they stepped slowly down the steps. There were families from all corners of the galaxy milling about below.
"Are those Breen? And Romulans?" February asked, surprised at some of the species she saw.
"There are no political divides here, Bru. The man who founded this place intended for everyone to be welcome here. This is probably the only place in the galaxy where everyone is equal. Here, the front desk."
A young Terran woman dressed in era-appropriate garb beckoned February and Dabin to her station.
"Welcome to the Grand Floridian, my name is Suzette. James will be happy to help you with your bags."
"Careful with those dude, I got goodies in this one." Dabin warned, as he handed the Terran man his rather large duffel. He couldn’t help but note the way this James guy looked at the girl behind the desk.
*Wow, could it be any more obvious those two like each other?* Dabin thought to February. She giggled.
"Room 103, Sugarloaf Lodge." The woman at the desk said to the bellman. "Can I see your reservation please?" Dabin handed her the PADD with his information on it. She double checked it with her computer and handed them each a keycard as well.
"Your park passes are on your keys. Please enjoy your stay. Just give us a call up here if you have any questions. Have a Grand day!"
"Park pass?" Bru asked as they left the desk, following the bellman.
"Patience, my sweet, you will see." Dabin grinned with glee, thoroughly enjoying every moment of introducing February to this place.
As they left the main building, February saw the swimming pools and the interior grounds for the first time. There were fresh-planted flowers almost everywhere, and she couldn't help but think how much Jariel Camen would love this place. Probably more to work at, though, then to stay at.
The bellman led them to the building next to the main building. Dabin swiped his access card at the door and they were allowed inside. This building was as beautiful as the first, though quite a bit smaller.
"You are right on the first floor." James said, as he led them around the corner to their room. Dabin opened the door, and February walked inside, flopping down on the bed with a grin on her face.
"You sure know how to spoil a girl, Dabin Reece."
"Well you've been spoiling me for awhile now, you have earned it."
"Enjoy your stay. The concierge is in the lobby and can get you anything you need. Of course you have the replicator, but with all the dining options here, no one ever uses them." James placed their bags at the foot of the bed. Dabin thanked him, and the man took his leave of them.
"I really think I'm going to enjoy this resort." February said. "When can we go exploring? Sure looks like there are a lot of things to do here."
Dabin chuckled. "You think we are just here for the hotel, don't you?"
*You don't even know about the Magic Kingdom yet.* he thought to her.
*Well you mentioned it earlier but you haven't been letting me poke around in your head to see what all the fuss is about.*
*We have a few hours till our dinner reservations back here, so let us go see about our Magic Kingdom.*
February sat up on the bed motioned with one finger for him to come closer. Dabin walked up to her and leaned down. She placed her hand on the back of his head and kissed him deeply. "Thanks for bringing me here."
"You can thank me later. I'll meet you in the lobby, go on ahead and check out the goodies the concierge has. I just need to fix my hair." Dabin pretended to poof his hair up, and February laughed.
After she'd closed the door behind her, Dabin opened his largest duffle, and took out a large suit carrier. He unrolled it and removed the contents, placing them in the closet. He slid the closet door shut, zipped his duffle back up, and went to meet Bru in the lobby.
"Fresh baked cookies! OMG Dabin do you see these!"
"I told you you'd love it here." Dabin snatched a chocolate chip cookie with a piece of tissue paper and began to nibble. "Are we ready?"
"Just one more cookie."
Dabin stopped her hand as she reached for another, and said four words to her. "Hand churned ice cream."
"Forget the cookie."
--=Main Street USA: Magic Kingdom=--
"This is Earth, early 1900s." Dabin said, "Walt modeled this after the town where he grew up, Marceline, Missouri. It reminds me a lot of what Trill was like hundreds of years ago. Before we had computers and modern technology."
"Oh, yeah I remember that. Look! A train! Oh look a carriage! OMG SHOPPING!!!!" February pulled Dabin in three different directions.
"Wait wait wait! Look!” Dabin said, pulling her to the center of the circle so she could see down the street. At the end was Cinderella Castle, exactly how it had looked for hundreds of years.
February felt a tear in her eye, seeing how beautiful it was. She truly felt like a princess here.
"So," Dabin said, looking at a PADD with a park map. "What do we do first? People Mover, Buzz Lightyear, Pirates of the Caribbean, Its a Small Universe, Haunted Starship..."
"What is It's a Small Universe?"
"It's a journey through the many cultures of the galaxy, as seen through the eyes of their children."
"Sounds like a plan!"
February and Dabin walked down the main street, stopping along the way for a dish of ice cream. February devoured it, having never tasted anything quite that good before. As they reached the Castle Forecourt, February stopped and looked straight up above the bustling crowd to the spires on the top of the castle.
Dabin wrapped his arms around her from behind and squeezed her tight. "I love you, February."
They walked together up the ramp and into Fantasyland. Dabin held her hand as they joined the queue. The brightly painted walls contained the colorful flags of species from all over the galaxy. Slowly they made their way down the ramp.
"How many, please?" The attendant at the front of the line interrupted their thoughts.
"Oh, just us two." Dabin said.
"First row, please. Keep all arms, legs and symbionts inside the boat at all times."
"Cute." Dabin said with a shake of his head.
As the ride began, Dabin sang along happily with the lyrics to the music, which he knew by heart.
"Deep." February observed. She laid her head on Dabin's shoulder, watching the ride and especially the children on the ride and how much they were enjoying themselves.
When the ride was over, they made their way to Adventureland for Dabin's personal favorite, Pirates of the Caribbean. Despite a few drops of water flying in the boat from a "cannonball" as Dabin had described it, the ride was a hit with February as well.
So was the souvenir area.
Out on display were pirate hats that appeared to have round, "mouse ears" attached, which necessitated a fifteen minute explanation from Dabin on the history of "the most famous animated rodent in the history of civilization."
The gift shop also had pirate tri-corner hats, pirate hooks, pirate guns, pirate jewels, and anything else they could offer with a pirate on it. Finally settling on a pair of matching pirate mouse ears and eye patches, Dabin and February were ready to move on.
"Oh, yeah I remember that. Look! A train! Oh look a carriage! OMG SHOPPING!!!!" February pulled Dabin in three different directions.
"Wait wait wait! Look!” Dabin said, pulling her to the center of the circle so she could see down the street. At the end was Cinderella Castle, exactly how it had looked for hundreds of years.
February felt a tear in her eye, seeing how beautiful it was. She truly felt like a princess here.
"So," Dabin said, looking at a PADD with a park map. "What do we do first? People Mover, Buzz Lightyear, Pirates of the Caribbean, Its a Small Universe, Haunted Starship..."
"What is It's a Small Universe?"
"It's a journey through the many cultures of the galaxy, as seen through the eyes of their children."
"Sounds like a plan!"
February and Dabin walked down the main street, stopping along the way for a dish of ice cream. February devoured it, having never tasted anything quite that good before. As they reached the Castle Forecourt, February stopped and looked straight up above the bustling crowd to the spires on the top of the castle.
Dabin wrapped his arms around her from behind and squeezed her tight. "I love you, February."
They walked together up the ramp and into Fantasyland. Dabin held her hand as they joined the queue. The brightly painted walls contained the colorful flags of species from all over the galaxy. Slowly they made their way down the ramp.
"How many, please?" The attendant at the front of the line interrupted their thoughts.
"Oh, just us two." Dabin said.
"First row, please. Keep all arms, legs and symbionts inside the boat at all times."
"Cute." Dabin said with a shake of his head.
As the ride began, Dabin sang along happily with the lyrics to the music, which he knew by heart.
"There's one Milky Way and one Galactic Core
and we all feel love from Q'onoS to Bajor
There's so much we can share,
That it's time we're aware
It's a Small Universe after all!"
"It's a Small Universe after all!"
"It's a Small Universe after all!"
"It's a Small Universe after all!"
"It's a Small Small Universe!"
"Deep." February observed. She laid her head on Dabin's shoulder, watching the ride and especially the children on the ride and how much they were enjoying themselves.
When the ride was over, they made their way to Adventureland for Dabin's personal favorite, Pirates of the Caribbean. Despite a few drops of water flying in the boat from a "cannonball" as Dabin had described it, the ride was a hit with February as well.
So was the souvenir area.
Out on display were pirate hats that appeared to have round, "mouse ears" attached, which necessitated a fifteen minute explanation from Dabin on the history of "the most famous animated rodent in the history of civilization."
The gift shop also had pirate tri-corner hats, pirate hooks, pirate guns, pirate jewels, and anything else they could offer with a pirate on it. Finally settling on a pair of matching pirate mouse ears and eye patches, Dabin and February were ready to move on.
Lt. Commander Dabin Reece
Chief of Science
USS Serendipity NCC-2012
(Currently on Vacation in Sunny Central Florida)
*pictures taken by February Grace/Dabin Reece, copywrite 2005
Chief of Science
USS Serendipity NCC-2012
(Currently on Vacation in Sunny Central Florida)
*pictures taken by February Grace/Dabin Reece, copywrite 2005