By Lieutenant Dr. Terasha
Stardate: 80117.19
Hours after Luminous Beings Are We: During the Captain's Dinner
Stardate: 80117.19
Hours after Luminous Beings Are We: During the Captain's Dinner
"Everything's put away, Doc," said Nurse Kathy Miller. "All we need to do now, is sit back and wait for the first patient to arrive."
She giggled.
Terasha sighed lightly at her nurse's ever-present cheerful attitude. The two had served almost five years on the Magellan, so when Terasha had been transferred to the Alchemy Project, bringing Kathy along, was what the Humans called, a no-brainer.
Of course, Admiral Vox had been against it, but Terasha insisted.
No Kathy, no Terasha.
For some reason Terasha still didn't understand, Vox wanted her, so he relented. Terasha had also gotten the impression, that Vox would come calling again in the future, reminding her of the 'favor' he had done.
Now that the two were settled into Sickbay, and Terasha had her office set up, she figured she had better make an appearance at the captain's dinner.
It had taken much longer than normal to be beamed onto the Serendipity; she soon learned the crew called it the Sera, because the few people on board in the first place, were making appearances at the party. However, parties weren't her favorite thing to do.
For most of her life, Terasha had been part of the Andorian Imperial Guard. She had been chosen when she was still just a young girl, before she had even reached the age of fertility. She knew training, duty, and service. What did she care about parties?
Still, many races enjoyed them, so she would play her part. As long as she was able to serve, that's ultimately what mattered.
Terasha thought back to her last day of service in the Guard. It was during the Dominion War, and had become a day of humiliation, and a day that changed the course of the rest of her life.....
Shock. Stunning, bewildering shock. Nothing moved. It was as though the entire existence of all that was, had frozen for an instant.
Pain. Indescribable, searing pain. Confusion. Flashes of swirling colors. Vertigo. Falling.
There were sounds and odd shadows of movement all around, but nothing coherent, nothing that made sense. Shouting. Screams. Agony.
Bright light. Shadowy figures all around. Voices. Voices that could be understood.
"Commander, this one is alive!"
A figure hovering above. A face.
Pink skin.
Another figure appeared.
High-pitched sound. Something being moved in a small circle.
"Concord, one for emergency beam up to sickbay."
Odd sensation. Surrounded by waves of color. New location. People above. More pink skin.
"Don't try to talk," said a soft, female voice. "You're going to be all right now." Warm smile.
Cold object pressing against an arm. Hissing sound. Sleep.
Eyes open and blink quickly at bright light. Sickbay of a Federation starship. Starfleet officers.
"Doctor, what happened? Where am I?"
"Ah, you're awake. I thought we were going to lose you there. How do you feel? What's the last thing you remember?"
Terasha paused before answering. She needed a few moments to focus her thoughts.
"We were on Hendra III, fighting the Jem'Hadar. The one I was facing had a knife...."
The most sickening feeling imaginable swept through Terasha's stomach. No, it couldn't be. Please let it not be so. Slowly, she brought her hands to the top of her head.
No! It didn't happen. It couldn't be true. She was dreaming. No, it was a nightmare. Anger, then fear, followed by shame. Tears began to stream down her pale, blue face.
"I'm sorry, Lieutenant," said the Starfleet doctor. "They're gone."
The room became silent. Terasha couldn't accept it. How could she have allowed it to happen? What would she do now?
"I know you feel shamed and dishonored," said the doctor, "but they'll grow back. Advanced treatment will reduce the recovery time to half. You'll be fine in a few months."
Terasha knew the doctor meant well, but there was no way she could come close to understanding. For an Andorian, an officer in the Imperial Guard, to have not one, but both antennae, cut off in battle, was the greatest humiliation possible.
Though they would indeed grow back, she could never face her comrades again. Of course, she wasn't the first Andorian to face this tragedy, and she could indeed return to duty, and no one would mention it to her. However, everyone would know. The respect and honor due her position, just wouldn't be the same.
"I'll leave you alone to rest some more," said the doctor. "I'll check on you again later."
The Starfleet doctor walked away. Terasha pulled the covers over her shoulders and rolled onto her side. Closing her eyes, she wished she was dead.
--=End Flashback=-
Terasha almost leaped out of her chair.
"Are you okay?" It was Kathy. Her bright, brown eyes showing concern. "I called to you three times."
"Uh, yes. I'm all right," stammered Terasha. "What was it you wanted?"
Kathy studied Terasha's face for a moment, then seemed to shrug off that she had been lost in her memory.
"I finally found the access key to the drug replicator," said Kathy. "Someone had it stored in an old tea set I found in the back storage room."
A tea set? Terasha chuckled. That would be a mystery worth investigating one day.
"Excellent. I guess we should go to the party now," said Terasha.
Kathy's face beamed with a smile that seemed to fill the room. "I love parties! I can hardly wait."
"By all means, lead the way," said Terasha. "Computer, if anyone enters Sickbay before I return, activate the LMH."
The doors opened with a whoosh, and the two ladies exited sickbay,
Terasha following an excited Kathy, who was jabbering on about how much fun they were going to have.
Lieutenant Dr. Terasha
Medical Officer
USS Serendipity NCC-2012
Medical Officer
USS Serendipity NCC-2012